Oh Hell No!!

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"Last night was a confirmation. My wolf took over and sought you out."

We were lying in each other's arms and decided that it was best he filled me in on everything I was missing.

"So, that whole connection we had with our hearts, eyes, and mind... actually happened."

I was still a tad bit shocked about this. Smiling, he pulled me closer, and I clung to him willingly.

"Another thing is that mates are able to hear each other's thoughts as well as speak to each other through our mind link. I can hear every thought you have but until we are completely mated, you'll have to wait to experience that."

Sitting up, I looked at him and could feel my entire body blush, as he laughed. I could see tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry love, I barely intrude. You haven't built a block up, so when you're experience intense emotions, sometimes they do barge in, but you'll work it out."

I shook my head, taking all of this in.

"What happens during the mating process? Do you bite me...? Do we get to have sex?"

Pulling me back into his hard firm chest, he pulled the covers on me. His body heat felt good against my skin.

"I'm not sure when we will get to that point..."

"Why, how come?" I asked, concerned of the tension I felt running through his body. He looked down on me as he softly traced the line of my jaw.

"I have to give you a bite, a bite that will make you turn into a werewolf, Jasmin. Then when your physically ready, the fun comes in."

"Ohh, I see. So I'm guessing that's gonna hurt?" I tried to laugh it off but he wasn't buying it.

"You don't understand, love... It's going to kill you."

Sitting up, I tried to jump out of the bed but my foot caught in the blanket it sending my flying onto the ground.

Quickly, gaining control of my legs, I used the mattress to help push me up.

"It's going to kill me?"

Mated to the Roommate (Theres a new version on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now