Biting my tounge

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Logan and I didn't get to the house until almost five in the afternoon. We had made several trips to the house dropping off and arranging new furniture for the kitchen, living room, and even some beds. I had dropped off tomorrow at noon before the twins and Chaz got here.

I was tired and Logan for some reason was extremely quiet towards me, I knew we needed to talk but that would have to be after we finished cleaning and setting up the house. Sliding the brand new full size mattress into Stacy and Rick's room, I gave a small smile to Rick. Knowing him he was mad that I spent any money on him. He slowly stood up, "Logan and Jasmin, you both really didn't have to go out of-"

"It was no problem Rick-"

"And it was much needed so you're welcome..." I cut Logan off.

Smiling, he thanked us just as Stacy walked in.

"Stacy can I talk to you for a minute?" She frowned for a minute but Rick gave her a glare and she sighed and walked towards our newly furnished living room.

Running to my room, I grabbed the four large bags of clothes I bought at TJ Max and handed them to her.

"What are these?" She asked as she lifted one of the bags to expect what was inside.

I smiled and grabbed one of the bags and showed her a pair of leggings. "I was out shopping for some things and I thought you might like these. They were on sale..." Holding them out to her she stared at me for a while before taking them. I was shocked as hell when she finally smiled.

"Thanks, Jasmin... this was nice of you to do but I can't accept these—"

I almost chocked on my spit, "Of course you can, it was no problem Stacy. " She frowned and looked at her feet in thought.

"Spit it out Stace--" Sighing she threw herself onto the brown loveseat.

"How come you're doing this, why are you still nice to me?"

Running my hand though my hair, I tried to push the old hurt and pain back where I left them. Clearing my throat, I sighed myself.

"We've been friends forever, it's hard not to, but in all honesty, I've never stopped caring about you guys, Stacy. I don't think I will..."

Quickly backing out the room, I turned and collided into a hard firm chest.

I knew who it was before he even wrapped his arms around me.

"Jasmin, look at me..."

Tilting my chin up, our eyes met.

"I love the person you are, inside and out."

Kissing the side of my mouth, he froze and growled.

"Whats wrong?" I asked as he grabbed my hand and brought me to my room.

"I have to handle something, just promise me you'll stay in here until I get you. "

"Who's outside?" I asked.

"Someone you don't have to worry about." He said, sighing.

"Is this someone a girl?"

"Yes..." I'm not a jealous person but when it comes to Logan.... Should I have to say anymore?

I stared at him as he probably read my thoughts and feelings, I couldn't wait until we mated so I can invade his thoughts and feelings.

"I'm coming or their will be problems Logan."

Something must've registered in his head because he sighed and held his hand out towards me.

"Come meet Lana."

"And she is...?" I asked as we made our way to the living room.

"My ex- girlfriend." He mumbled as we stepped outside.

"Do you know why she is here... at our home?" I whispered as we stood on the front stairs.

"You don't have to whisper she's right here."

Turning towards the tree on the side of the house, he called out to her.

"Lana, I see you found me yet again."

I couldn't see anyone, so I squinted my eyes until my eyes met with a pair of pitch black ones. Gasping I watched as the blonde wolf, stepped from her hiding spot never taking her eyes off me until Logan growled and she made a noise close to a snort before going back to the safety of the tree.

"What up her ass?' I asked I thought to myself.

"Logan..." I heard a silky voice say my mates name and broke out of my trance as a naked blonde came into view.

I wouldn't lie, she was pretty hot but it was obvious she was nothing but trouble.

"Just what I expected, she clearly defines the social norm of a hoe."

"Jas-" Logan started.

"Dont worry Logan, Im just getting Lana here a robe." Walking into the house i fought to bite my tounge and keeps my head clear as I slammed the door shut.

Mated to the Roommate (Theres a new version on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now