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*** 3 weeks later***

None of us have really seen the new guy, Logan. He only comes in and out once or twice a day, sometimes not at all. He was pretty anti-social. His words to me on his first night here were the first and last I've heard him talk. As for Rick, he did have a small conversation with, from what Stacy has told me. Sitting across from her on the couch, she was back to wearing her skinny jeans and boring blouses. She and I used to be so close. We were inseparable and even though we were complete opposites, we still got along like sisters. She was tall and lean with Latina curves. She had long black hair and big bright brown eyes. Her face was almost baby like. She was very opinionated, loud, and bubbly. I on the other hand had serious greyish green eyes, a long nose and full lips. My hair was a shade of dark brown, almost black. With my tanned skin it was easy to see that I was Puerto Rican but also that I had African American heritage.

I was tall and stood out in a room but other than that, I was pretty quiet. I had a weird sense of humor, was very sarcastic, even mean a little, and thought myself awkward.

"Did you hear the wolves' last night?" Stacy asked me trying to break our awkward silence.

I raised a brow, "Wolves...? I didn't know the wolf was in this area. I know we have a few coyote, maybe

that was what you heard last night Stacy."

She rolled her eyes at my attitude and stood up practically stomping towards her room.

"Bitches these days..." I sighed aloud to myself.

Hearing a chuckle, I jumped in my seat, "Fuck off, Rick!" I grumbled.

Wait Rick wouldn't be laughing at Sta--

"You seem a little tense."

Freezing at the sound of his voice, I realized that Logan was home. Turning towards him I observed his face. His eyes were dark with amusement. Man this guy was hot!

Biting my lip in so many types of frustration, I got up and walked to him. He was a giant compared to my five foot five frame.

Muscles were bulging everywhere; he had to work out daily for a body like this. He had too.

Seeing him tense up, I smirked, "You seem a little tense, Logan."

His eyes darkened and he actually growled. Tilting my head our eyes never left each other's.

"I wonder why?"

Slowly backing up, he completely ignored me, walking away. Hearing the door slam, I figured Logan left through the back door. What is with this guy?

******5 Months Later******

Christmas was just around the corner and it was safe to say that after five months of depression and torture, I was over the entire ordeal between Rick, Stacy, and I. I moved on but of course Stacy and I have not been able to mend our friendship. Rick and I were actually friendly towards each other but never really spoke around Stacy. Logan was still anti-social but he's made attempts to be normal. I am actually surprised Stacy convinced him to actually sit with us during our awkward Christmas dinner.

In the end, Rick and Stacy excused themselves to ravish each other while he and I had a stare down. It didn't last long because a knock came to the door. Frowning, I pushed my chair from the table. Who could be visiting us at this time of night on Christmas?

Logan had no family, and Rick, Stacy, and I didn't keep in touch with our families that much. We were all private. That's why we moved to the middle of nowhere.

Walking to the door, I opened it feeling pretty annoyed.

"Hello, my Jasmin, --"

Starring at the black-eyed man in front of me, I gasped and quickly shut the door, locking it. Running to Ricks room, I burst open the door.

"Jasmin, what the hell?!"

They both screamed in unison. I shut his door, grabbing the metal bat from behind it.

"There's a man at the--" Jumping from the bed, Stacy stalked towards me.

"Will you get over yourself, Jasmin! All you've done for months is mope and give attitude. Get over it!"

Stomping out the room she ran into the bathroom locking herself in.

"Good," I thought to myself, "At least she will be safe in there."

Turning to Rick, I shook my head.

"She's drama. Rick, there was some fucking psycho at the door!"

Getting out of his bed he slid his feet into his sneakers, "Jas, are you sure?"

"Fuck Rick, I barged in here while you were having sex, of course!"

Grabbing his bat from me he told me to get Logan. Walking to the kitchen, Logan of course wasn't there, so I walked to his room and pushed open the door. Empty. Running to the kitchen, I grabbed the sharpest knife and walked to the bathroom.

"Stacy stay inside the bathroom and don't come out!" I yelled through the door.

"Leave me alone, you selfish bitch!"

"Well die then, bitch!" Kicking the door in frustration, I groaned and grabbed my injured foot.

Hearing footsteps, I readied my bat and ran to the front door where Rick was jogging back up the steps.

"I checked around the whole house, Jas. If there was anyone here, he's gone now." Locking the door behind us, I followed him throughout the house locking the doors and windows.

"If anything he must have gone into the woods..." I mumbled, mostly to myself.

Pulling me by the arm, Rick brought me into my room and shut the door.

"Jasmin, I don't know what's going on but whatever it is get ahold of yourself. There is no one outside so get some sleep and we can all talk tomorrow."

Sighing he shook his head and left my room. Standing in the middle of my room I realized I still had the butcher knife in my hand. Walking to my window, I closed and locked it. Pulling my blind down, I grabbed my pillow and comforter and walked to my closet.

Making a bed, I walked inside it and closed its doors. There was no place for me to be safe if that creeper ever came back I'd fight till the death of me.

Hours must have past and I still couldn't sleep knowing what the hell that man or whatever he was wanted from me. Having to use the bathroom I grabbed the knife and made my way out of my room. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I felt really uncomfortable like I was being watched. Sighing, I quickly shook that thought out of my head. Nearing the bathroom, I heard the strangest noise. Close to growling but it was labored and soft.

Slowly walking in the direction of the noise, I saw Logan stagger into his room and shut the door. Wondering where he's been and wanting to know if he was okay. I walked to his door and knocked. Instantly the heavy breathing stopped and the door was quickly slammed shut and locked.

Mated to the Roommate (Theres a new version on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now