Dark and Dangerous

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stepped inside the completely dark room, gasping at how cold it was.

"Here, take this."

Jumping, I turned around to where his voice was. He was standing near his closet. Taking the black sweater he was holding towards me, he grabbed the knife out of my hand, placing it on his dresser. Putting on the sweater, I got right down to business.

"What is going on with you, Logan? Some weird man shows up, I looked for you and you were gone, and then just now you seemed like you were hurt. What are you hiding from me

Looking at his face, all I saw was blank mask. If he thought I was stupid, he made a big mistake.

"Look, are you on drugs or some-" He growled cutting me off, his face getting quite serious

"No. I- I chased him, that man into the woods. He's been following you, Jasmin."

"Wait, what- why are you just now telling me this, Logan?"

Sitting down on his bed, I felt a panic attack coming on. Taking deep slow breaths, I tried to calm myself down. Some freak has been stalking me! How could I have not noticed?

The town we live in is so small, maybe it was someone from one of my jobs, I don't even know?!

"This isn't the first time he's came to the house, Jasmin. The first, he was standing outside across the street, starring at your window, I assume. So I went to approach him but when I reached the porch, he was already gone. At first I thought he was perhaps a boyfriend until I discovered you only ever had one boyfriend, Rick. So, I followed you."

"You followed me, where?" I asked, totally feeling like I was in some movie or bad story.

He laughed softly and leaned against the wall. All worry of him being in pain flew out the window; he was annoying the hell out of me at the moment.

"It's for protection and it's hard not to."

"Excuse me?" I Jumped up, not sure what to do, feel, or say about that.

"Are you scared of me Jasmin, do I scare you?" He smirked, kicking himself off the wall and walked towards me. Leaning away from him, he somehow managed to have my on my back, his arms on each side of my head, holding himself above me. Closing my eyes I turned my head, he was indeed scaring me.

"Open your eyes, I'm tired of waiting, I need you look at me."

Sighing, I felt his warm breath against my neck.

"Please, Jasmin?"

Feeling tired and confused, I slowly turned my head and slowly glanced up into bright gold eyes. Yes, golden, his pupils were totally black but lined in a thick glowing gold.

I found myself lost in them. I felt my eyes were just locked onto his. The house could have been burning around us and still I wouldn't be able to break them away. It was like our eyes were magnets but not only our eyes our hearts. My heart was beating so fast I almost couldn't feel it but it was beating. I realized right then that I could also feel his. Like I owned his heart and he owned mine, like we were one.

Feeling a tingle in my head, I heard my name being called, it sounded so far away. But I knew in my heart that the voice belonged to Logan. He was speaking to me somehow in my mind, I only heard one word. Mate.

Mated to the Roommate (Theres a new version on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now