Decisions Decisions

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"Babe I don't want his actions to decide when I'll be turned."

Getting up, I walked over to my dresser, and started searching through my clothes for something to wear for bed. I was so mad if I could rid this Vain man from my life, I could be with Logan in peace.

"We have no choice. With you turned and us mated, our mind link will be at good use, because we can keep tabs on each other. You being a wolf will give you the upper hand; you will be able to protect yourself. I don't want you out of my sight at all but that's impossible. You work two jobs and you're not a child, I can't be at your side at all times"

Leaning against the dresser, I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down.

"I know, I know, this is just so frustrating and dangerous. I don't want anyone to get hurt, not even Stacy, but most of all you..."

Walking to the bed, Logan welcomed me into his arms as I buried my face into his neck, all my tension leaving my body.

"I don't know what I would do if I anything happened to you, Logan."

I was scared but turning was something that had to be done regardless of Vain.

"I promise you, I'll be fine, we'll be fine."

"Even crazy ass Stacy?" I asked looking up into his brown eyes.

"Well, she's so far gone in the head; I think we're a bit too late to save Stacy" He smiled showing his perfect white teeth.

"Come, let's get in the shower, I know you must be exhausted by now."

"Definitely, let's go!" I said really excited as he laughed.

"Always in the mood." He said as I pulled him towards the bathroom.

Logan and I are usually inseparable but then again we are still independent and don't spend every second of the day with us. But when we do, the shower is one of our tops hangouts.

Walking inside the bathroom, I quickly turned the water on, it took a while for it to get hot, so we had to wait a minute or two for the bathroom to steam up.

When it was ready, I was the first to get in.

The feeling of the hot water running down my hair made me moan in pleasure.

"Are you sure you need me in here?" Logan asked through his link. I opened my eyes to see him with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, I always need you!" I said, my voice slightly higher since the shower was so loud.

Someone banged on the door, "Try to keep it down in there tonight!"

"Fuck off Rick!" I laughed, as I switched spots with Logan and started washing ourselves.

"What's wrong Logan" He was stiff and his eyes were changing from his soft brown to the gold of his alpha wolf.


"I have to go right now. I'll be back." Pulling back the shower curtain, he stepped out leaving me cold, lonely, and confused.

I didn't stay in the shower too long, I didn't even get dressed afterwards, I just got my fluffiest robe and threw it on, got underneath my blanket and went to sleep. I had enough stress for a lifetime.

It wasn't long after, I felt Logan take his place underneath the covers with me.

"Jasmin, I'm sorry I left you like that-"

"You better be, don't ever leave me like that again." I mumbled half asleep.

"I promise you..."

"Good, now go to sleep."

"Can I get a kiss?" He asked his voiced light with amusement.

Turning to him, I placed a kiss on his cheek and smiled and started to turn around but he stopped me.

"Oh you think you're funny huh?" He said, as he grabbed me and pulled me against his chest and brushed his lips over mine. I instantly I woke up and smiled huge grin.

"Kiss me again, Logan."

His eyes darkened as he leaned forward and captured my mouth in his. He tasted so good, I was addicted to his kisses and he knew it.

Grabbing both my arms he held them above my head, as he nudged my legs apart. Opening up my robe, he growled, and I knew the wolf in him was dying to give in.

Mated to the Roommate (Theres a new version on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now