Chapter 3!

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"My name is Kim Jongin. Call me Kai. What's your name? "
I looked at him with a bored face
"Nabi " I said and turned to leave I took a couple of steps when
"WAIT!" he yelled stopping me from walking any further
"What?" I said in a cold and annoyed tone raising my eyebrow at him
"Do you want to be friends? " he asked sweetly
"No." I Said bluntly. His bright smile turned into a cute frown and he did puppy eyes looking like a five year old.
"What? "I asked
" I want to be your friend! "He yelled
"Good to know "I responded and again tried to leave but he stopped me once more.
"Why don't you smile? "He asked ina sweet tone.
"I don't want to. "I replied and looked away from his eyes.
"If I make you smile, will you be my friend ? "He asked in a voice that a five year old boy would have.
"I don't smile and I don't do friendship."I replied, trying to hide the regret in my voice. He smiled even more ,if that is possible and said
"I can hear the regret in your voice. Okay, let's go on a walk and if I make you smile just a little bit And have a good time, you will be my friend. "
"No"I said bluntly
"No "
"I'll buy you food!"he said excited
"Okay fine "I agreed no one can say no to food he jumped excited yelling yay yay!
I looked at him weirdly and he giggled. We started walking out of the school grounds.
"So, are you a junior? "He asked trying to break the awkward silence
"Yeah. Are you a year older? "I asked I actually didn't care but he will buy me food so I thought I would pretend to be kind.
"Yeah, I'm surprised you don't know me though... "he trailed off
"Why would I know you? " I asked raising my eyebrow.
"Um I am one of the most popular boys in school. We belong in a band called EXO and girls kinda uhhh they are in love with us i guess. " he said nervously
"Okay well where are we going? " I asked looking ahead
"Oh yeah! We're here~" he said while taking my hand and walking in a coffee shop. The smell of fresh coffee invaded my nostrils and I pulled my hand away. He pouted and looked like a little puppy I just rolled my eyes and walked toward the counter.
"Hello how could I help you? " asked the girl behind the counter in a kind voice.
"I would like a Earl grey tea with some honey in it please. "I ordered and looked at Kai next to me, he smiled and looked at the girl.
"Uhh I want an espresso with a spoon of sugar. Also give us two pieces of the chocolate cake. "He ordered
" okay I will call you when it's ready " the girl smiled "it's 10 $ please"
I took out my wallet to pay but Kai beat me to it. I looked at him shocked and he smiled at me while winking .
" I told you I'll buy you food " he said
"Umm okay, thank you " I said
"What? That's it?" He asked
"Yeah what do you want? "I raised my eyebrow
"A smile! " he exclaimed
"No"I turned back and walked to a seat by the window and sat down. Kai sat down across me with a pout on his face.
"Stop pouting... "I ordered him
"Noooo. Not until you smile! I even bought you food! " he wined
"Hey I didn't tell you to buy me food! I could have payed for my own! " I said offended
"Okay don't get mad! "He said panicked and I just rolled my eyes while shaking my head. Our orders came and I took my cup in my hands. The warmth of my tea made me feel comfortable .I took a sip and the tea made my taste buds explode taking me to exotic places. I opened my eyes and saw Kai smiling sweetly at me.
"What? Aren't you going to drink your coffee? "I asked
"Yeah I will. You just looked so peaceful when you had your eyes closed. "He then drank his coffee. I looked down at my cake, took my fork and took a bite again the sweetness of the cake exploded my taste buds.
"Oh that's so good! "I exclaimed moaning in pleasure. Kai looked at me wide eyed shocked.
"What?" I asked confused and he bursted out laughing.
"YAH! Why are you laughing!? " I asked offended
"Sorry you just looked like a five year old and it was so cute!"he kept giggling
"Well...well you look like a five year old all the time! "I tried to offend him but he laughed more
"Aish this person... Whatever, I'm hungry "I said and ate my cake with a mad face.
"Okay Okay! I'll stop! So tell me about you." He said when he calmed down .
"Uh what do you want to know? "I rose my eyebrow.
"What's your favourite colour?"he asked exited.
"That's a weird question "I answered not looking at him.
"Hehe I know. So what is it? "He chuckled
"Black. Like my soul. "I looked at him to see his reaction. His eyes widened and he looked at me horrified. I looked away trying to hide the tiny smile that tried to form on my face.
"U-umm nice... "he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Why did you brought me here? " I asked
"I actually saw you earlier at the music room while you were sleeping and you were smiling and you looked happy but you never smile so I thought I make you smile but I'm not a weirdo and I'm not stalking you, I just want to be your friend and I know this sounds so weird And-"
"Okay I get it! "I interrupted his blubbering he looked relieved
"But you are still weird "I continued.
"YAH! I'M NOT WEIRD !" he yelled and I was unable to hold my smile back. A small smile formed on my face and I looked away.
"W-wait did you just smiled? "He asked with a wide smile on his face. My smile quickly disappeared and I looked at him.
"No. "I answered curtly. He pouted and drank a sip of his coffee while mumbling I know you smiled.

A/N THERE YOU GO ~ I hoped you liked it please leave a comment and rate and stuff. thanks for reading!! ^_^

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