Chapter 28!

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I groaned as I covered my eyes with my blanket , shielding them from the sunlight that peaked through the curtains. A hand was under my head and I turned to Look at a sleeping Yoongi and I smiled.

I stood up and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast , i looked at the time and realised that we has missed school. I didn't wake him up since we slept late last night.

I noticed I had a new voicemail so I pressed play and continued cooking .

"Hello, is this Kim Nabi? I am calling from St.Louis hospital. Please call back when you get the chance."

My eyebrows met as I called back at the hospital.

"Hello , my name is Kim Nabi, you called me last night."

"Hello, I am sorry to inform you but your father passed away last night at 3:33. My deepest condolences."
The monotone on the woman's voice made things worse as my throat dried.

"Okay, thank you for informing me. I'll come by in the afternoon." I answered and let the phone fall

My eyes landed on a picture of my parents and my knees buckled. I fell on the ground sobs vibrating through my body as I wept alone on the cold floor. Strong arms wrapped around me and Yoongi's kind voice tried to soothe me.

I grabbed him my nails sinking slightly into his skin as I sobbed harshly against his chest.

"Please,don't ever let me go." I managed to mutter between gasps filled with tears.

"Never." He whispered in my ear and something told me that things would be better now.

We were at the hospital , Yoongi by my side as I did all the paper work needed for my father . We were arranging his funeral . My eyes still spilled tears from Time to time but I had the warm touch of Yoongi to wipe them away.

My phone was getting blown up from the concerned messages of the guys asking both me and Yoongi where we were. I nodded as he left to talk to them and tell them what happened.

I walked out to see Yoongi talking to the phone in a hushed tone. When he saw me he hang up and took my hand into his.

"I'm thankful for staying with me but really you don't have to stay. You should go home and rest."

He smiled at me and hugged me reassuringly.

"I'm never going to let you go ,okay?"

"Okay." I whispered trying to stop the tears that threatened to come .

We decided to get lunch since we hadn't eaten all day. It was a small little restaurant with a vibe that made you feel like home. I needed this.

I played with my food and his concerned eyes never left me. I sighed and put my fork down.

From behind me I heard voices break the silence of the restaurant. I turned and saw the six dorks waving at me like idiots.

"You invited them?" I asked Yoongi and he smirked before shrugging

The boys came and sat around us still yelling nonsense. Through the ruckus I could feel their hands reassuring me. We talked about nonsense and weather or not you can lift Thor's hammer of he was touching it.

In the end these idiots managed to make me smile and even laugh a little. Yoongi excused himself to the bathroom and I followed him with my eyes.

"Soooooo, your boyfriend..." Jimin said in a teasing voice.

"Actually he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet." I said thinking about it. Shocked gasps made me look up at them. They looked hurt and I chuckled

"Careful , I might steal you from him ." Jungkook said with a wink and with a smirk I said teasingly

"International playboy." I winked and he blushed making the rest of us laugh

"You guys are never going to let that go are you ?" He groaned and we simply said nope while laughing

Yoongi came back and the conversation continued.

Yoongi was walking me home after our lunch. The starry night above us made me remember of that day watching the sunset and I smiled lightly.

"Thank you, Yoongi."I smiled at him when we reached my door.

"I've got a surprise for you ." He smiled back and I looked at him confused.

The door opened and I saw Kai standing there smiling at me . I gasped and jumped to hug him. He held as we almost fell to the floor.

"Kai! Oh my god what are you doing here?" I asked  still hugging him

"Yoongi called, he told me what happened and I couldn't let my little girl like this now, could I ?" He explained in a hushed voice and squeezed me like a teddy bear.

"I'll let you two be, take her of her please." Yoongi said and closed the door behind him

I squeezed Kai harder and cried softly with my head buried in his shoulder .I soon fell asleep with him stroking my hair . Only to wake up alone the next morning.

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