Chapter 22!

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Fuck my life...

We were sitting in  inside a big fancy restaurant ,deciding what to get

They were mostly staring at me but I sat there grumpy with my hands crossed and a frown on my face and a blush at the tone of my dress .

Now let me explain ....

The moment they pushed me in my room they locked me in until Jin and Kai came to make sure I was fancied up .

They put make up on me and got me a beautiful dress I wore once in my life and never touched again. To be honest I looked good , but they didn't have to know .

I felt so awkward with their eyes piercing me . Some other people were looking at me too and I tried avoiding anyone's eyes since they didn't let me put on my contacts .

I was squished between Suga and Jungkook one looked more awkward than the other . They advised me on what to get and in a weird way they looked like they were fighting over what should I choose , Jungkook's or Suga's advise.

We finally ordered and delicious food was presented to us .We are in silence , aside from the moaning the food lovers did with every bite. I tried not to laugh at them , but eventually I broke out laughing , BTS following me.

It was easy to notice that the rest weren't following us and i looked at Kai , a sad expression resting on his face;

"Kai. What's wrong?" I asked in a demanding tone , worried.

He looked at me and I noticed the tears in his eyes , before I could say anything he interrupted me ,

"We're leaving , Nabi." He said softly

"Okay, when are you coming back ?" I asked , our tones matching. He looked away, the tears finally escaping his eyes.

"Let me explain, We got accepted into SM entertainment. We don't know when we're coming back." Suho explained to me.

Silence followed.

"That's it ?" I asked , they looked at me with a questioning face.

"Guys , this is your dream , you should be happy !" I exclaimed with a smile .

"But Nabi, when will I see you again ?" Kai asked

"Kai, I'm not going anywhere, I will always be here for you , all of you." I looked at him in the eyes and smiled reassuringly, he spilled back.

"Okay then , now it's time for a celebration , right?" They all agreed excited, and we ordered  wine .

Of course they tried to take it from me , but they lost the fight. We were all laughing and sharing stories. Only Luhan wasn't smiling and I made a mental note to talk to him.

Four hours later we were walking back home and I slowed down to talk to Luhan ,

"What's wrong , Lulu?" I tugged on his sleeve

"Lulu?" He asked amused and I nodded with a smile.

"It's nothing ,Nabi." He looked away.

"Obviously , it's not nothing." I pushed on.

"I'm just... I'm gonna miss you." He said looking at the floor.

"Okay, you're leaving in 3 days , right? We're going to go out one of those days to have just for our selves , deal?" I looked at him and he looked back surprised.

"Deal." He said and I smiled triumphantly.

Yelling got my attention and I looked ahead at a drunken Taehyung falling to the ground.

"Guys ! Take care of Tae!"I yelled and ran to help , laughing and failing to notice the angry glances some particular people send to each other .

In the end they ended up crashing in my couch and floor.

Next morning I woke up and headed to the kitchen  to make them breakfast , I had my headphones in and was humming , Soon it turned to a full song . I didn't notice Luhan leaning on the wall and watching me amused.

I turned to place the pancakes on a plate and screamed when I saw him, he laughed at me .

"Jesus Christ don't do that!" I exclaimed holding my chest .

"Sorry ,sorry !" He said still laughing , I looked at the rest , who were still sleeping either cuddling on the couch or on the floor.

"You I have a beautiful voice ." He said to me and I mumbled a 'thanks' and continued making breakfast

"Uh about that .. day , We would spend together...Do yo-" he was interrupted by a 'hold Jo's and Suga getting up from the couch.

"What day ?" Suga asked  coming in the kitchen.

"It's none of your business." Luhan snapped at him and a tense silence followed with them glaring at each other and me looking at them carefully.

"Uhh.." I broke the tense silence and they both looked at me

"I made Breakfast ..." I said avoiding their stares as I placed the 50th pancake on a plate . The table was full of eggs ,pancakes ,bacon , toasted bread and orange juice.

"Have a seat , let's eat." I said and put everything I used in the washing machine. They sat down opposite of each other , still glaring.

"Should I wake up the others ?" I asked trying to ease the tension

"No." They said at the same time.

"Alright then. "I sat down in the head of the table and put some food on my plate and began digging in. I noticed neither of them were eating and cleared my throat.

"Aren't you hungry?"I asked and they both looked at me , Luhan started eating while Suga looked at me like a hawk.

"What day." He asked me , more like demanded with a hint of anger in his voice . I avoided his eyes , feeling guilty suddenly.

"It's nothing , Luhan was feeling a little sad about leaving and I promised him to spend a day together to cheer him up." I said quietly

"No." Sugar said and ate a bit of his breakfast.

"No?" I Asked him looking at him.

" No." He said and looked at me again.

"Wha- What do you mean 'no'?" At this point I was trying to hold back my anger.

"I will not allow it." He told me trying to hold back his anger too.

"Well, you have no say in it." I said setting down my fork.

" Yes I fucking do." He said now his anger out in the open.

"No you fucking don't. Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what to do." I said anger dripping from my face.

He glared at me and I glared back looking into his eyes. It was not easy to do since a little flutter  in my heart distracted me. He slammed his fork on the table making me flinch.

"Fuck you." He spat and stood up,his chair falling down behind him.

I looked at him surprised and he stormed to the door ,leaving and slamming it behind him.

The ruckus woke the others up and they asked what was going on. Luhan looked at me and then said  there  was breakfast . He gently touched my hand and told Me in a quiet voice to go get ready to go out with him . I nodded and went to my room.

20 minutes later I was ready to go. I sad on my bed and thought of Suga. My eyes trailed to where we laid when he had kissed me and I frowned at the tight feeling in my chest. A knock on my door signaled it was time to go.

I walked outside to  Luhan smiling at me excited and I smiled slightly back. I told the others we were going to go out and to stay as long as they wanted.

And so my special day with Luhan began.

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