Chapter 26!

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We were walking towards his 'secret place' in a comfortable silence. My mind drifted looking at my self. My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty , I'm feeling flustered and...

Oh no. This is worse than I though. I'm... I'm ...

"Hey , you okay?" He asked breaking my train on thoughts as his hand slipped into mine, fitting perfectly as if it was made to hold mine.

"Ye- Yeah, I'm ... Yeah..."I trailed off with a blush creeping on My face , his hand still holding mine squeezed my hand a little , making my heart race . I grinned a bit at him

"You just asked that to hold my hand, didn't you ?" I asked smugly

"Is it working ?" He asked with a smirk and I pulled my hand back .

A frown began to form on his face but before it could I grabbed his hand again intertwining out fingers . He beamed , a smile on his face as I said


We walked a bit more , before he put his hands over my eyes as we walked through some woods with him guiding me.

We stoped and he removed his hands. My eyes took a little to adjust but when they did I was met with the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen.

They sky was painted in hues of oranges , yellows , reds , pinks , purples making it look like a dream depicted on the clouds.

My breath was caught on my throat as the beautiful sight made me remember the last good day I had with my family . We had gone on a picnic , a day my mother was feeling well and we watched the sunset.

"It's beautiful." I whispered in awe
"Yeah." He said just as breathless looking at me .

"Ready to tell me now ?" I said with a smile looking at the sunset. He took my hand once again.

"Ever since I first saw you , I knew there was something special to you. I knew you had something magical and I just had to have that. When I saw you with him... I was scared , scared of losing you. When you said that I mean nothing to you my heart broke , because I realized that , I have never realized I haven't showed you what I feel. So I guess now it's the time .
I like you. No.
I love you."

He stated at me as I looked back , shocked his hand still in mine. I took a deep breath as I pulled my hand from his. I turned my body fully and grabbed his collar .

And as the last stoke of light grazed us softly, our lips connected. Fireworks exploded as we held each other in a dear embrace letting out lips show our feelings.

When we pulled apart, the Sun was gone ,the  starry sky was  smiling softly at the last light as it danced above us like ferries , the stars blinking like diamonds made the perfect setting for me to whisper

"I love you too."

~Time Skip~
I was serving a group of friends feeling Yoongi's eyes on me. We were at the café I worked at and he was waiting for me to finish to take me on a date. I smiled at him when I passed by.

The door opened and the rest of BTS came in smiling teasingly at me and Yoongi. Except Jungkook he was glaring at the ground with his jaw clenched . I greeted his as I had done with the rest but he ignored me.

A hand was placed on my shoulder and I turned to see a disappointed Namjoon shaking his head no. I nodded and let it go , figuring he would talk to me if he had a problem.

I was wrong.

Jungkook ignored me, mocked me with his facial expression and body language, was rude and an overall asshole. The eldest scolded him but he only responded with 'bite me'.

The store was closing and the boys were now in the way out. Everyone had left except Suga and Jungkook. They would ride together home. Jungkook was the last to head for the exit so I wasted no time to grab him.

"Okay what the fuck is your problem." I demanded ,his arm tightly into my hand.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He snapped back pulling his arm back , breaking our connection.

"Me?! I was kind to you all day, you fuck! You've been acting like an asshole! What the fuck ?!" I was almost yelling and at this point , I was thankful it was just the two of us.

"You are so fucking stupid!" He yelled back

"Why ?!The fuck did I do?!" I was on the verge of punching him but I held back.

"Forget it." He spat and turned to leave.

"Like hell I will." I grabbed his hand again , determined to get some answers.

"CAN'T YOU SEE I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU , YOU STUPID ?!" He screamed at my face and I sat there in shock. His shoulders slumped and his eyes softened before he grabbed my head and slammed his lips on mine.

I sat there numb ,not knowing what to do . But then I saw a flash and next thing I know Jungkook was on the ground and an angry Yoongi glared at him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He growled at Jungkook who stood up.

"Taking what should be mine." He stated with a smirk. Yoongi growled and went towards him , but I grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"Let. Me .GO." He growled at me and I slowly let him go, now scared.

"She's not yours to have." Yoongi glared at Jungkook his voice dripping with venom.

"Ha. Not yet, at least. She'll be mine before you even blink, you bastard." And that was it Yoongi threw a punch at Jungkook who in return fell to the ground holding his bleeding nose.

"Over my dead body." Yoongi grumbled , panting from anger.

Jungkook stood up and punched Yoongi back . As Yoongi fell I screamed


They stoped and looked at me surprised.

"I'm not a fucking object you can fight over! I can make my own decisions! You motherfuckers are like brothers and I swear to whatever you assholes believe in , if you let something THIS retarded to come between you I will drag your sorry asses to hell and back! Am I crystal clear?!"
I finished my rant and they looked at me with wide eyes.

Jungkook lowered his head looking at the ground and Yoongi made a  'tsk' sound. He grumbled a 'forget this , I'm out of here ' and went to leave only to be stoped by me

"Like hell you are." I grunted as I grabbed his ear pulling him back. I grabbed Jungkook's ear too when he started laughing and I forced them to sit down on a bench , ignoring their complaints.

"Stay." I ordered with a cold voice and they mumbled 'yes ma'am' I went to get the fist aid kid and some frozen peas to fix them up.

As I did they didn't dare to speak up until Jungkook groaned when I pressed the frozen peas to his swollen nose.

"You deserved it."Yoongi snickered holding the cold pack to his lips. My glared was all it took to shut him up and he looked down .

I took a step back and glared at them until Jungkook broke the silence

"I'm sorry."
"Yeah, I'm sorry too." Yoongi frowned as they looked at each other and hugged.

"Good. Acting like motherfucking three-year-olds up in this birch." I grumbled and they smiled at me

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