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Nabi's POV

After I woke up on Chanyeol's shoulder the movie was over and they had to go home . Suga acted a bit weird and so did Luhan since they both avoided eye contact with me and didn't talk much , I thought nothing of it though and the next day went on normally .

Some disturbing content is coming up please skip if you're easily disturbed .

My eyes opened and I was met with pure darkness. I tried looking around but it's like my eyes are closed , I couldn't see anything . With the hairs on my body standing ; I got up .

I heard this weird moaning sound and I turned around . There was a door , small pieces of light escaping under the crack so I walked there .

The closer, I got the louder the noise became . I tried to open the door from the handle but the door cracked open before I could . The light hurt my eyes but I opened it further ,with my forearm hiding my eyes from the brightness

I realised the moaning was sounds of pain the moment I opened the door .

I was met with the faces of my new friends , all chained up in the wall with some rusty old chains . My breath hitched when I saw their beaten and torn bodies . The floor was stained with blood and some had cuts so deep that the bone was visible .

But that wasn't what scared me . My eyes were glued to the two figures in the middle of the room , both tied on the chairs they were sitting on . On one chair sat Suga who was so beaten that his face was not recognisable any more . His grey shirt now stained with a dark red colour that made me sick was sticking his body . It was ripped and so was his stomach with a big wound covering it his insides spilling out onto his lap.

He was still alive though as his chest rose and fell into quick paces trying to get some oxygen inside of him . In the other chair laid the other boy- Kai -In the same condition as the other with the only difference that his breaths came out more slowly as if he was leaving his last breaths on earth.

I screamed and run towards them trying to break the lock with no luck . A laughing noise interrupted me and I looked at the source . A figure reached the door and I recognised him within seconds . He kept laughing as he came closer and I shook with fear, quickly going in front of the two boys protecting them .

"F-father ...?" My voice shook with fear and I trembled under his sight .
"D-Did y-you do this ?!" I asked trying to hide my fear with no use

"Heheh maybe ... why ? What are you going to do ?" He laughed as he made fun of me. I stayed quiet without looking at him

"N-Nabi..." the weak voice of Suga made me rip my eyes from the dangerous form of my father to him

I kneeled in front of him my hands reaching to his face as gently as I could . His half closed eyes looking at me . I smiled a gentle smile to encourage him .

"Y-You ..."
"Sh-shhh it's okay ..." I whispered not letting him talk anymore

"YOU KILLED US!" he screamed in my face and I fell back they all started screaming their voices demonic

You can read now ~

"NO !" I Yelled sitting up on my bed my breaths quick and I was drenched in sweat

I turned to my bedside table opening a night light feeling comforted from the light . I calmed my self down and look my phone ; the clock saying 4:30 AM

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