Chapter 21!

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~Previously ~

It was as if time had stopped to look at us . As if every important thing  in the world stood in between those few centimeters that hold our lips separate...

                                              And then...


The doorbell rang . We parted ways . I cleared my throat and he sighed in disappointment .

What am I thinking?  What about Suga ? Well yeah we're not a couple but if he likes me I wouldn't want to hurt him ...Does-
The doorbell rang again ; interrupting me

I stood up and walked to the door . I opened it only to have a dog fall on me . Wait ,What ?


" What the Fuck? "I giggled as the dog licked me

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" What the Fuck? "I giggled as the dog licked me . I managed the small black Husky with the most beautiful blue eyes and looked up to see a weird alien and a golden boy looking at me .

"Guys ! What the hell? " I asked them as the puppy still tired to lick me .

They were frozen looking at me with wide eyes and open mouths . Why are- contacts right .

I cleared my throat and looked away feeling awkward. This is why I wear contacts, people always do that . Look at me like I'm an Alien from another planet.  I'M NOT- I think at least .

"Oh  man holly shit" And a smack that what I hear before hands grab my face forcing me to look into the wide eyes of an Excited Taehyung . Oh no .

"Wahhhhhh! Noona ! You're so pretty, pretty . No wonder all the mosses like you . Be a pretty mousse make all the mouses go wahhhh."

"Taehyungmf whaf da fak. I'mf nat yar noonamf " I removed his hands that had a strong grip on my cheeks.

"Oh Hello hyung! " I heard Jungkook from the back . He closed the door and walked to Luhan to give him a bro hug as I still tired to make Taehyung stop . He was whispering "You are my noona !NooOna NoOonaa!"

I heard a bark and we all simultaneously turned to look at the puppy . Taehyung Dived in and stared cuddling him .

"Why is this dog in my house?" I asked Jungkook .

He blushed and kind of froze in his tracks . Luhan looked at him with a deadly look on his face . They locked eyes and Jungkook looked down with a guilty expression

I was about to ask what was wrong but Taehuyng interrupted me by whispering in my ear .

"It's a gift ." I flinched and almost smacked him but he backed away

"Wh-What you mean a gift ?" I looked at both of them

"Jungkookie thought it'd be dangerous for you to stay alone unprotected so we got money from all a of BTS and bought you this cutie pie ." Taehuyng explained

"Guys I can't except this ... I mean thank you so much but still ..." I rubbed the nape of  my neck .

When Jungkook heard that he immediately called the bangtan members to back him up .

"Does that mean we get to keep him ?" Taehuyng asked excited

I could hear Jungkook talking on the phone and explaining the situation to the others , who in return started coming up with ideas to convince me

"I don't think -" "HUYNG WE HAVE A PUPPY !"he interrupted Jungkook screaming at the phone

"What do you mean we have a dog? Do you steal an animal?"I  could hear Rap monster being frustrated

"Nabi noonas puppy ~" He giggled

"TAEHUYNG DON'T YOU DARE !" We could hear yelling as Taehuyng kept playing with the puppy . Poor Jin

I grabbed the phone .
"Hey , Jin-ah"I spoke

"Is it Nabi-ah?  HII NABI-AH~"  Suga and Jimin yelled on the phone , annoying Jin who stumbled away from their heavy bodies falling on top of him.

'"Hey guys ." I smilled when i heard their cute voices.

"Guys , guys , stop grabbing my phone, i'll put on speaker . Here ." I heard Jin scold  then in a motherly tone  as I giggled

"Nabi-ah~I'm sorry for these idiots ~ Please keep the puppy . Tae will become a homicidal maniac if he has something that cute around him ~"Jin begged from the phone as I heard shuffling behind him .

"I don't think it's that dangerous . Plus he already has Jiminie so it won't be that different~" I giggled . A small YAH from Suga  and giggles from Jimin could be heard .

"Nabi-ahhh , Don't you think I'm cute? " Suga said with aigo. 

I blushed and avoided the piercing eyes of Luhan and Jungkook who stood with an unreadable expression on their faces . The situation made me feel uncomfortable so I did what I do best .

Avoid Confrontation

"How about we go for some lunch ?All of us . Luhan call the rest and tell them ." I turned to him , he nodded and called the rest

We decided to go to a fancy restaurant they knew to have something nice for once . I was reluctant since it would be expensive and I didn't want to waste any more money .

They assured me that it wouldn't be that expensive,  but something in my heart told me that they would pay for me , so I tried to avoid it .


They pretty much threw me into my bed room so I could get ready while I tried to whine my way out of it

While we were discussing -more like me complaining -a crazed Taehyung behind us classed the poor puppy , who tried to hide under the coffee table .

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