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*ring ring ring ring *
The alarm clock rang anoyingly waking me up from my precious sleep . I looked at my phone trying to close it but failing miserably , knocking everything off of my bed table . I groaned and slide to the edge of my bed reaching down to grab my still ringing phone .I took it and brought it to my face opening one eye . My phone said
Wake up lazy ass , Kai ,coffee shop , 11:00

"Fuck " i mumbled. I groaned once again and used all my strength to sit up . A sigh escaped my lips as I pulled the fluffy covers of me . The cold air caused shivers to go down my spine . I walked in the bathroom and started getting ready . Music played from my phone in my room as I hummed along the tune . I got dressed , took my keys phone head phones and some money and walked out locking the door behind me . Music blasted through my head phones as I walked to the coffee shop . I walked in and looked around . I saw Kai sanding up and moving his hands side to side furiously . This caused his shirt to raise and show his abbs . The girl sitting a few tables away started blushing and a smile formed in her face . I walked towards him and pulled a chair to sit.

"HI NABI! " Kai said excited .
"Um hi ..." I said
"Calm down ,Kai . People are staring at us ." Said an unknown voice . I turned my head to the left and saw a boy he was short and had black hair with big dark brown eyes . He looked like a cute doll , damn he's handsome I thought .
"Hi my name is Kyunsoo call me (A/N baby ...ok... no ... ) D.O." he smiled at me with an adorable heart shaped smile .
"Nabi , nice to meet you " I responded and we bowed to each other a little . He sat down next to Kai and Kai smiled at me like a psychopath and I looked at him weirdly
"Don't mind him he just drank a little coffee ..."D.O said looking in my eyes
"Oh It makes sense I guess " I said
"You don't smile much to you ?" He said tilting his head slightly to the side .
"Nah... "I trailed off
"But she's very pretty when she smilies to be honest " Kai suddenly said startling me . I looked at him and then realised what he actually said . I cleared my throat and i looked down at the table .
"Hello what can I get you ?" The waitress came to our table and asked us . I raised my head looking at her
"We are waiting for someone " Kai said .
"We are ?" Me and D.O looked at him
"Oh call me when you're ready then " she smiled and left .
"Who are we waiting for ?" D.O. asked
"Sehun and Luhan ..." he responded while smiling
"Who ? " I asked looking at them
"Sehun and Luhan "he repeated
"You'll meet them soon ,don't worry " D.O. said
"Well Sehun is obsessed with bubble tea and Luhan said he'll buy him one so now they're on their way ." Kai continued.
"Oh okay then." I said . We had a small talk for a couple of minutes when Kai jumped up from his chair
"GUYS HERE!" he waved again at someone behind me . I turned and I looked at the two boys coming our way . I met eyes with a boy with blonde hair . He was tall with brown eyes and a sharp jawline damn it, is everyone handsome ? My eyes then fell on the boy behind the first one he was also tall with sparkly eyes and a sweet smile yep everyone is handsome ,damn... They came to our table and the first guy just said
"I want bubble tea ."and walked away
"Yah! Sehun, buy me some too !" The second guy yelled after him .
"HYUNG !"Kai yelled and hugged the second guy .
" This is Nabi ,my friend . Nabi this is my hyung Luhan ,the other one is Sehun he is out maknae~"Kai said and put an arm around my shoulder .
"Hello nice to meet you !" Luhan smiled sweetly and bowed deeply at me .
"Nice to meet you too ." I responded with my blank face . Luhan looked at Kai with weird face .
"Don't mind her she just doesn't smile a lot ." Kai smiled
"Then I guess we should introduce her to Kris ,right ?" Luhan said and laughed lightly .
"THAT'S WHAT I SAID !" D.O. exclaimed
"Ummm who ?" I asked confused .
"Don't worry, you'll meet him soon " Kai smiled at me and we sat down . Soon enough Sehun came back with two bubble teas in his hands ,he handed one to Luhan and sipped his .
"Hi ,I'm Sehun ." He bowed at me .
"Nice to meet you , Nabi " I replied bowing back .
I sat by the window and next to me was Kai , in front of me was Luhan next to him sat Sehun and at the head of the table sat D.O.
"So Nabi you come to our school ,right ?" Luhan asked me .
"Yeah , next year I'll graduate, you ?"I responded
"We are all in the same class ,seniors " he dipped his coffee " Next year we will go to college ." He finished his sentence
"Oh ,where do you want to go ?" I asked
"I want to go to Seoul Music and Drama School ..."he smiled
"Oh ? Me too "I responded now more interested .
"Chincha?! Do you sing or play music ?" He asked his eyes sparkling with interest .
"No I act mostly ,but I also play some instruments . What about you do you sing ?" I asked
"Yeah I sing , what instruments do you play ?" He looked so happy with his face shining brightly .
"Hm I play the piano ,guitar ,drums ,flute (A/N: NOW BLOW LIKE FLUTE ~ OK and violin " I said counting on my fingers . His eyes widened and the guys stoped talking and looked at me .
"What? " I asked raising an eyebrow and looking at each one of them .
"Nothing ,you just do a lot of things " Kai said smiling .
"I guess ..." I responded and the conversation went on .

A/N :HI thank you for reading ,I hope you enjoyed ~*3*
사합니다 , 사랑해요 ♡☆ °3°

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