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It's just a huge mess . The guys ran around tying to find the cake and candles . Luhan stood behind me rubbing his aching nose .

Loud voices were heard in the small house and their expression looked panicked .

"Pff. .." came out of my mouth

They stoped . Did they just hear me try to contain my laugh ? In this huge mess they listened to me ?

"Pfft .ahahahahah..." I couldn't hold it any longer .

My left hand went on my stomach and the right one covered my lips . They just stood there staring at me . Some even blushed too.

"Ahh you guys are awesome ..." I said between laughs and finally calmed down .

Wiping a tear from my eye I stood properly with a big smile

For the first time my eyes disappeared behind my slightly blushed cheeks with a deep breath I said

"감사합니다, 진짜 감사합니다. ..( thank you, really thank you ) I haven't laughed so much in so long ..."

They just stood there still so utterly shocked .

"She..." Kai started "she..." he couldn't find the words "SHE LAUGHED !!"

He then ran to me hugging me so tightly I had trouble breathing.

"My baby , my baby laughed . I'm so proud " he said like a mom and they all erupted on cheers and laughs

"Can't .... breathe ..." I said weakly

"YAH YAH YOU'LL KILL HER !" Baekhyun yelled

With the help of Chanyeol they got Kai off me and i could breath properly .

"Nooooo ~ Don't take me away ~ Nabi Let me love youuuuu~ TT.TT " He wined and I giggled

"Yah we have cake for her ..." Chanyeol said and Kai jumped running to the cake

Chanyeol smiled at me

And waved me over I walked there and they started signing happy birthday

"Make a wish ~" Sehun said

"DON'T WISH FOR THE FLYING POTATO KING TO COME !" V said spreading his arms towards me

"What?" We all looked at him weirdly and he smiled like a goof

I blew the candles .

" LET'S DANCE ~!" Baekhyun yelled and blasted the music

We ate cake, danced, laughed and I tried to drink a beer but Kai freaked out saying I was too young to drink

"Yahhh I can handle it." I tried to reach for the beer

"No!" He rose his hand higher

"Pleaseeeee ~" I wined tugging on his shirt


"I'll be a good girl I promise ~!" I pressed on

"Sit down ." He looked at me not able to hold his smile back

"You're mean ~!" I pouted

"Aigooo kyopta (cute)." He pinched my cheeks

"Guys guys let's play a game ~" Chen said with an evil tone

"가자 !( let's go ) " Kai smiled and I noded

We all walked and sat on a big circle

"What are we gonna play?" I asked them

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