Lost in The World of Vikings

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Your POV:

The stars shone bright last night, shining light across my room. As strong as moonlight, it showered on my face, my bed, and my hands, that were all cut up by trying to help my siblings to work. As I stared at the biggest one I could spot, I wished I could shine like them, a star upon millions. Just a normal star; no one would look at my direction. I would be living a normal life. But God really hates me.

Really. Hates me.

He decided -by himself!- that I was going to be just a weakling that lives in an ordinary family. Oh yeah; by ordinary, I mean Viking ordinary. 

Vikings are tough, dangerous, and merciless. You know how it goes. We kill other Vikings, and ironically, we are at war with them. Well, people will surely think I'm like those stereotypical drooling Vikings that yell every second (And by that, I mean that we kill every second), but I'm just... Different. I'm weak, merciful, and nice, and all that a Viking is NOT supposed to be like. My family still loves me, but they're probably still worried about me. I'm worried about me too. On the other hand, my dad is pretty disappointed about my personality and everything else about me. Even my gender. He never showed any affection and abuses me all the time. Well, it's normal and all. But I never liked him.

I hate him. Lets put it that way.

Well, tomorrow was going to be a special day. The great stoic leader is visiting us, which is The Great Kingdom Of Norway. I went back to sleep, excited about the ceremony but also nervous.

"Wake. up. Bunny!"

I sighed in annoyance. Bunny is my nickname from my brother I got, because I was so sweet. My brother's name is (any male name), and he is one handsome, strong, caring big brother I can ever have. He fights for the war and our family is proud of him. Sometimes, I feel jealous because I'll never receive that feeling. Pride.

"Okay, okaaaay I'm up," I mumbled. "Yeah, you should, because TODAY is a special day!" He rolled his eyes, annoyed. Oh my god, how did I forget? Today is the day when the Great Stoic comes! I have never seen him before, but we have to arrive at town square to honor him! Oh dear!

I dashed into my closet and started to choose which dress was perfect. 'Hm, this one is too raggedy, too pink, too long, too short, too hot, too simple, too fancy, too uncomfortable- Goddammit is there anything I can even fit in?!... And..! Eh, that's  okay.' I clumsily braided the side of my hair and headed out my bedroom to eat breakfast.

My family was in a huge hurry. Plates were flying everywhere, my siblings were jumping up and down. All of us were dressed just right to impress the Great Stoic. My parents have 6 children, including me. The eldest sibling is (name), who is 24, then me, and I am 20, then (name), age 16, then (name), age 10, and finally, the twins (name and name) aged 6. Well, I don't know why, but all of them, except for my older brother and me, are jumping up and down.  

"Choose me!" The twins cried. 

"No choose ME!" shouted (name). What a fiesty little 16 year old! "What's going on?" I asked. My mother stepped over. My mom is beautiful for her age with silky light brown hair and hazel eyes. She always wore the long, flowing, beautiful dress. But today her dress looked even better. I don't know what she did to it but it looked different somehow. In a good way. My mother's name is Eleanor, and she is, just like me, sweet and kind. But she's also strong. Something we will never have in common. She makes weapons for our family and takes care of my family. "Oh, they're just arguing about who will go to the Great One in the town square and give him flowers and my homemade cookies," she sighed, although she said the cookies part in a proud voice. She really shouldn't be proud. I perked up. 'Send flowers and cookies to Norway?!' I tapped Mother. "M-may I go?" 

"Sure! You are a very sweet child, he will adore you straightaway. He is a nice, kind, strong person, so do not be scared."

"Okay. Should I go now?"

"Yes, I will give you this and this," she handed me flowers and a basket of cookies.  "Now make sure you introduce our family of Finne to him!"

"Okay, I'm going," I said. I headed for the door.

 Suddenly, I ran into my father. Uh oh. I smell trouble- aside from the cookies. They already smelled like trouble. "Watch where you're going, young lady," he growled. I backed up. "I'm sorry," I squeaked. Oh no, I've got him mad. "Sorry is NOT enough," he said. "You never know where you're going in life." I looked at my feet. "Sick litter." I heard him mutter. When I heard that insult, I felt this strange but strong hatred towards him. I snapped. "It's not even my fault that I was born like this! Maybe you shouldn't have been a father in the first place!" I shouted. 

Then it happened. 

He slapped me.

I bolted out the door, crying, with the flowers and the cookies. I didn't know if I would return, ever. I didn't know if I ever will return to the comforts of my bed, safe and sound. 


Sooooo, how was that? Just so you know, this is my first fanfiction I have EVER, EVER wrote, so I apologize if this chapter have a lot of mistakes. Please comment what you think about this story, so I can go on. Also, please rate if you like this chapter, it helps ALOT. Also, please follow me if you like this book so far, because in the future, I will make more Hetalia stuff, maybe one shots (Ooooh that's gonna be fun). So yeah, Arigato, and sayonara*!!!

*It means thanks and bye.

EDITED BY: Goldenpath3333

This chapter has been edited. Date: June 1st, 2018.

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