The Unusual One

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Norway's POV:

This village is pretty small, though beautiful.

 I arrived in the village on a boat. All of the girls fangirled when I came down. I kept my emotionless face on while I passed them, but wow, they're ugly. After I squeezed through the crowd, I finally reached my destination, my stay for today (A/N IT RHYMES! :D). I came in and plopped on the bed. Whew, that was a journey. Icey is supposed to come about now, I wonder where he is...

Hm, I am worried, to say the truth. The reason I really came for is a soulmate, a strong, amazing, beautiful girl to stay by my side and fight for victory. I put on my boots again. I'll be strolling around the village to see which girls fit me...

When I opened the door, a brown haired girl jumped up to me. "Hello! Welcome!" she said delightfully. Eh, not my type, she's pretty nice though, reminds me of Fin. "Oh my god, HIIIIII NICE TO MEET YOU MY NAME IS AMANDAAAAAAAA," I covered my ears. No way, reminds me of Dane, that bastard. 

"Errr excuse me girls, I have to be left alone, I have something... Important to do, bye everyone," I hurried away. My dream will never happen. Sigh.

I reached a mysterious end of the village, and what I mean is that no one was here. Suddenly, my troll appeared, with a handful of girls. "Sorry, but these girls were stalking you," he huffed. "Boy, they're strong,"

"I'm sorry, troll. Thanks for the help,"

"The fairy was smart enough to figure out how to capture them, thank her," he sighed and vanished, and the girls fell. "Please go away," I sighed, and glared at them. They squeaked and ran away. 

Whew, now I'm alone. I sat on a tree trunk and thought. 'I have to defeat Dane, I have to defeat Dane,' I thought, uncomfortably. Then I thought of my soulmate. "I need to find one as soon as possible, or I will have a hard time. Suddenly, I heard sobbing. "Hm?" I looked around to find the source of this sobbing. And there it was.

It was a girl. She looked my age (my human age is 21) and she was weeping a lot. I kneeled down to her. "Are you okay?" I asked, worried. She looked up, wide eyed.

She looked beautiful, with (h/c) hair and big (e/c) eyes. She had a blue dress that sparkled. She was scared of me and backed away. "W-who are y-ou? Please go away,"

"Hello, I am Norway," I said. Her eyes got wider and she bowed. "I'm very very sorry I told you to go away," she blushed. Then she handed me a basket and flowers. "I was supposed to give this to you, I am sorry I was crying," she looked away. "I am a member from the Finne family, and we sent this to you for our gratitude. We are thankful you are protecting us-"

"Okay, I get it, but why were you crying?" I asked worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine, thank you, your Greatness, you should be busy, I will get out your way," she started to run.

"Wait!" I called, "what's your name?" She stopped, surprised. "Uh, my name is (Y/N)," she said hesitantly. "(Y/N), what a beautiful name," I said. (Y/N) blushed, and bowed again. "Uh, may I meet you later, at the town square? T-this is a command," I said, blushing slightly. "Bring a family member. I need to tell you something." She nodded and ran off. She was so pretty. 

She's the perfect one.


Sorry it was short, I had no time lol. I was eating a certain food... 🍞 wait how did this bread come here?!

Italy: Ve~ I'm sorry Julie, I stole one of your bread while you were writing this chapter...

Doitzu: Italy! What zid I tell zu about eating! Zu are on ze diet!

Italy: OH NO! HE FOUND ME!!!

Guys, guys, BEHAVIOR! 

Italy and Doitzu: 😭

Sorry people, they fight sometimes like this. Oh and please comment down if I should continue this story, cause I'm not sure. And write down ideas, since this story is for you.

Japan: Yes, risten to Jurie.

Thanks Japan, at least you're behaving.

Anyway, Ciao!

Japan, Doitzu, and Italy: Byee!!

The True Stoic (Hetalia Norway x reader)Where stories live. Discover now