His Special

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Your POV:

What just happened?! 

The great Norway asked me to come to him?! Did I do something wrong? Not that I remember. I stopped running and caught my breath. He sure looked handsome though, with those beautiful indigo eyes looking at me and the light blond hair covering his eye. He had a a cross pin pinned on the side of his hair and a blue sailor suit.  He was different, with a strange aurora clouding over him. My heart thumped. 

Am I in love?

'No no no, I can't be... Even if I'm in love, they won't love me back. I'm just not the one,' I thought, depressed. I sat on the ground, sighing. A group of girls passed by. They stopped in front of me. "Oh look, it's the piglet!" The girl in front said. Everyone laughed. I glared at them. "Leave me alone." I growled. "Aw the wittle baby was cwying," another girl pretended to pout. "She's so weak she doesn't deserve to live here," a big girl said. I know her, she usually beats me up. Oh well, I'm dead. 

I slowly backed away. Then I noticed.

A rope and a whip.

I ran.

But they were too fast. They grabbed me and tied me up. I was screaming and kicking all over, but they were still too strong. Then the big girl grabbed the whip and whipped me on the back. I winced in pain, and somebody covered my eyes and mouth with a handkerchief. I couldn't breathe, and I struggled to get up. I'm gonna die. I closed my eyes and relaxed, when I heard a pow and everything went black.

When I woke up, I thought, 'whew, a nightmare,' then I looked around. Hey... This isn't my room! "Huh?" I mumbled. My head hurted and my body ached. 'Wait, if this isn't a dream, where am I?' I was in a bed and... A guy?! Wait, I recognize him, it's His Greatness! I bolted up and blushed. "W-w-ha-t happened?!??" I exclaimed. "You were getting tortured, so I helped you." He said bluntly. "How did you know I was getting beaten up?" I said.


"Excuse me?"

Then a floating creature appeared, beaming at me. "Oh, you're awake! And yes, I am a troll, that helps Norway. I was scouting the village, and I saw you getting hurt, so I reported to Norway quickly. He uses magic, so he teleported,"

"He uses what?!" I exclaimed. "Magic? Wow!" 

The stoic seemed a little surprised. "What, are you not frightened? Other people run away,"

"No, not at all, I think magic is beautiful!" I said. He kept his emotionless face on, but he was slightly smiling. "Thank you, magic is also helpful," he explained. Suddenly, I realized what time it was. "Oh my! I better run. My mother must be worried! Than-"

"No, I sent a messenger about this situation you are suffering. Rest more," Norway said, and he walked out of the room, and his troll vanished. I sat there, awed. Wait, I'm going to stay here? Then I heard the door open. I heard voices.

"Hej, little brother," Norway's voice.

"Onii chan!!!" I couldn't recgonize the voice, but it seemed like a little kid.

"Okay Icey, there is a pretty guest inside that room over there, so we have to be very quiet, because she's hurt,"

"Oh no! Is she hurt a lot?"

"A little bit, now go to sleep, and feed your Mr. Puffin, too. He's hungry for more, that fat bird..."

"Okay, and be nice to my puffin!"

"Honk! Yes yes yes be nice to me," Hold on. Is that a puffin speaking?!

"Ugh whatever,"

Then everything became quiet. I felt drowsy, and before I knew it, I fell into a big slumber.


Hej! Julie here. Well, little Iceland is soooo cute!!! 😍 

Puffin: whaaaaat, he's not cute! He doesn't give me enough food!

Iceland: no, I give you ENOUGH food!

Puffin: hmph.

Iceland: humph.

Italy: Ve~ Ve~ don't fight!

Doitzu: yes, zu are going zo pizz Julie off

Okay guys, are you done? Cause we have no time you know, I have to publish this!

Japan: yes, Jurie is right. She needs no time wasted!!

Thank you again Japan, now, where was I? Oh yes, please comment down how you like this story, and rate if you like this chapter, also, if you like this book so far, follow. Love ya guys! 💕

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