True Love

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Norway's POV:

I hid my boat while Dane landed his on another island. "She will be kept here until Norge gives up." Then I saw her. She was tied up and unconscious, and Dane was carrying her into a cave. I raged in fury. How DARE he touch her like that?! I have to find a way to bring her back. Then I had a great idea.

After the Danes entered the cave, I ordered my ship crew to follow along. They will be ambushing everyone on Dane's ship and I will have Dane cornered. 'Ha! Simple,' I sneered. We reached the ship. Then we jumped. 

After 5 minutes, every crew of Dane's died. I bolted in the cave and saw Denmark about to kiss an unconscious (Y/N). No, no NO!  I dashed at Dane, enraged, and called my troll to punch him in his vital region. "YEEEUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Dane screamed. (A/N Dane's still pouting after he read this...) As he hopped away. I carried (Y/N) to the ship,  and we quickly headed home.

Your POV: 

I woke up in a fluffy bed, my head aching. I looked around and I noticed this wasn't my home. It was a blue and red room, with flags everywhere. There were handmade dolls sitting on the ground. I sat up.

Where am I?

Then I remembered. I was kidnapped by Dane! Is this his room? If so, why am I not tied up? Suddenly, a person opened the red door.


And before I knew it, I ran to him smashed my lips onto his. "I love you! Thanks for saving me..." Norway smiled and said, "Well, I promised that I will stay by your side, because I truly love you," he lifted me up and swung me all around. "By the way, how many days were I passed out?" 

"2 days..."

"Oh my god, WHAT?!"

"Two days....? Why?"

"Where am I? What happened to Denmark? We're not in a ship anymore? Are you ok-" Norway shushed me. "Calm down, I'm ok. And we escaped from that bastard. Also, we are at my hometown, Oslo. Welcome!" I looked out the window and saw a beautiful world behind my eyes. (A/N the references, tho... I made it obvious :P) "Oh my god."


Sorry, it's bedtime for me, so I don't have time.

Prussia: yaaawwwwwwwwn

Doitzu: come on Italy, one more lap! And you can sleep!

Italy: *sleepwalking*

America: noooo wait, I want to watch Tokyo Ghoul first!!! Japan introduced the anime to me, and it's fabulous!!!

Whatever. Now... Yawn by-

Norway: hej, can I sleepover your house tonight, Julie?

Wait, what?! NO- fiiiiinnnnnne

Norway: yay. *walks into my room and reads book*.

Okaaaay then.

The True Stoic (Hetalia Norway x reader)Where stories live. Discover now