Married, Officially (part 2)

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Norway's POV:

I was the first person to arrive in the chapel. I sat on one of the chairs and sighed. 'Today is the day," I smiled to myself. 'I will stay positive, I just have to practice smiling...' I strolled into a room with a mirror. I looked at myself, emotionless. 'Smile....' I tried to, but I looked creepy. 'SMILLLLE.....' I looked like some creepy monster. "SMILE GODDAMN IT!" I shouted. Sigh, I'll practice more... Maybe giving a small smile will help? I smiled again. 'There, I look good, I think...' I thought.

After a while, people started to walk in. They all looked very happy. I started to worry.

 Where is (Y/N)? 

Your POV:

I wandered in the huge garden to find Lukas... But he's not here! "Hm? Where did he go?" I wondered. "Aren't I supposed to go with him? Plus, I'm going to be late!" Suddenly, Dawn rushed to me. "T-there you are!!!! Where were you!!! You were supposed to show up at the chapel! It's starting now!!!"

"WHAT?!" I screamed. I dashed away from the castle to the chapel. 'Oh, no...' I fell several times and scraped myself, but no matter, I need to reach- 

Suddenly. I fell again. This time, I twisted my ankle. "Ow!" I shouted. A tall man with glasses and a scary face came up to me. "Here, let me help."

"Thank you! What's your name?"

"Sweden. I'm a country, and I came to attend a marriage."

"Well, I'm the bride!"


"Thank you so much, go first, I will meet you there..."

"No, you seemed to have twisted your leg, here, let me help..." He gave me a piggyback ride. 'How nice!' Then another man with a sauna towel on his head and with presents came up to us. "Hi Su-San! Huh? Who is this girl?" 

"This is the bride for the wedding. She twisted her ankle while she was running to the chapel."

"Oh no! Are you alright? I'm Finland, and I'm a country, too!" He waved. "I'm fine, and nice to meet you, Finland!" I said. We hurried to the chapel, and Sweden dropped me off. "Here," he said. "I owe you one, thank you!" I beamed. I opened the door, just in time. Lukas looked at me, horrified. "What happened to you?! Your dress is dirty and you have bruises! Are you okay?" I brushed off the dirt in my dress. "I'm fine, sorry I'm late, it's a long story. Now, let's do this..." I walked up, and I reached to Lukas. The priest said, "Will you take care of your wife forever until you die?"

"... Yes." He hesitated. What's with him? "Will you take care of your husband forever until you die?"


"You may kiss." And I slammed my lips into his, hugging him. Everyone cheered. I tasted coffee on Lukas's lips. "Your lips taste good," I whispered to him. He blushed as red as a tomato (que Romano) and he picked me up bridal style. "You're mine now!" He shouted. 

And he gave me a big smile.



Now, now, don't cry! It's just a book!

Norway: it was sweet, but that coffee tasting lips are a bit seductive!!! *blushes*

It's just a story, right?

Norway: right...

Canada: hello...


All: who are you?

Canada: I'm Canada.

Geez, guys.

Extended end:

I tapped Lukas. He grimaced, and looked at me. "Oh h-hi..." He stuttered. "Anything on your mind? You seemed depressed. Why, you don't like the marriage?" He shook his head. "N-no! It's just that..." He paused.

"When you die, I will stay living, and remember you painfully, forever."

The True Stoic (Hetalia Norway x reader)Where stories live. Discover now