Farewell, My Love... See You Never

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Your POV:

We did it!

Every citizen was cheering. Then they made a path... 

To Lukas. I ran to him and hugged him. "LUKAS! You're alive!"

"Of course I am, darling."

"You're hurt! Your arm! It's bleeding!"

"It's nothing, now I'm with you..." Suddenly, Mathias dashed to us, huffing and puffing. "The... King... We.... Have to.... Kill him..." We dashed to the enemy's boat, and the king was there, his bow aimed on us. "G-get away, I'll shoot you!" Lukas walked closer to him.

"How pathetic. Why did you attack us anyway? You started the war, you know..." He ordered men to capture him, and they did.  The king looked up, horrified. "Please don't kill me, I-I'm going to b-be nice!" Then he smiled an evil grin. "Heheheh, I'm going to dispose of your most treasured thing in the world before I die..." Then he broke free of the men, ran towards me...

And stabbed me in the stomach. 

I felt a horrifying pain and knelt on the ground, grabbing my bleeding stomach, "L-L-Lukas..." I whimpered and collasped onto the ground, almost dead. 'Time to leave this world... So young...' I saw Lukas run to me, but he was going farther and farther and blurrier and blurrier. Then, i couldn't see anymore.

I felt water drip on my face, and opened my eyes. Lukas... Crying?! I cupped his cheek. "L...Lukas..." He looked up and smiled. "Hey, we won! The war is over, and we could live in peace..."


"We are going to have a festival, and Dane is going to cook Danish cookies for us! Isn't that sweet? You could go to the selkie world and invite friends from there! And I'll be calling you Bunny! Right?"

"Lukas..." He started crying. "Please, stay with me, please!!! You were my first love, the first since I was born! Don't leave me..." I felt my blood flowing out, and I tried to keep my eyes open. "L-Lukas, I loved you since when I was a baby, and I still do.... But it's time for me to go... Y-you have to.... Deal with it...."

"NO! I WILL NOT! PLEASE!" I closed my eyes, smiling. "I'm happy. Very happy. I love you, sweetheart... And I'm happy." 

Then, I drifted into sleep. Forever. 'Bye, Nor...'

Norway's POV:

I sat there, dazed, horrified, and sorrowful. 'She just died. She died. My beloved just died. (Y/N) just died.' The sentence began to ring in my head.' I stood up, and went up to the king. The king looked scared, and I started to stab him many times. "DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE!" I said with a monotone voice. "STOP! NORGE! HE'S ALREADY DEAD! JUST STOP!" Dane pulled me away. "HE KILLED HER! HE. KILLED. HER."

"I know! But you can't do anything about it!" Then, Sve and Finland came over. "Hey, are we late? I brought a huge ar- WHAT HAPPENED?" Fin gasped at (Y/N)'s bleeding body, and screamed at the king's decapitated body. "Wh-what?!" Sve just stared at me. "She's gone. Let's go and take her body. Get over it! She's dead. Let's go, everyone." Everyone walked away. Rain started to pour down. But I just stayed there, crying. "Onii chan?" I heard a voice. "Why are you crying? Where's Onee chan?"

"S-she's.... In a good place now, away from us..."


"I... Don't know..." I wiped my tears and turned to Iceland. "Let's go... It's raining. Also, we have to prepare a celebration... For her... She went to a nice place..."

Bye, (Y/N).


Omg. I just don't know. I'm so demented LOL. Sorry, but this story was destined to be a tragedy, but wait! There's gonna be a SEQUEL AHHHHHH!!!!! Don't cry everyone. I'll make the sequel good! And fun! And-

Doitzu: *sniffing*


Italy: MAMA MIA!

Norway: nice try, I didn't cry. I know the main target was me.


England: these tales are better than most of my stories! But it doesn't beat Hamlet! HA!

America: Are you serious, England?! The hero dies!!!!

Sealand: *crying like the world's going to end* WAAAAAAH SO SAAAAAAAADDDD!!!!

Hungary: this was so sad, I don't wanna hit Prussia in the head.


Hungary: now I do... *hits him*

Prussia: OW!

Dane: !!!!!!!

Hungary: what, do you wanna get hit, too?

Dane: Ahhhh nooooooooo!

Fin: *sweat drop*

Sve: Wife

Fin: w-what, Su-San??

Sve: make a SuFin fanfiction.

Fin: AHHHHHH NUUUUUUUU *nosebleeds*

Ok.... Guys, let's wrap this out.

All: SAYONARA!!!!!

Love ya guys.

The True Stoic (Hetalia Norway x reader)Where stories live. Discover now