Extended Ending

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Author's POV:

The funeral took place on a foggy day, three days after the tragedy happened. Norway held a basket of cookies and flowers. He looked at it for a long time. 'The first time we met...' A tear slid down his face. He wiped it out and stayed emotionless. It was time for him to let go of (Y/N). The coffin was decorated with sealskin and flowers all over. Norway opened the coffin and gasped. There was (Y/N), but her body wasn't decomposing! 'Is it because she was a selkie?' Norway wondered. He closed it back. He loaded the coffin into a small boat and hopped in. He sailed the waters, onto a lagoon. He threw the coffin into the water, and watched it as it sank. "Bye bye, Bunny." He whispered, and sailed away.

Little did he know that certain creatures were lurking underwater.

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