Onto The Sea

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Norway's POV

I can't believe (Y/N) gets beaten up like this! I've chased the girls out, but she was still hurt a lot. Does she have to bear this for her daily life?! That was ridiculous. I saw her sleep peacefully. Then I had an idea. I got something I can write and wrote something.


Dear (Y/N's) mother,

I am The Kingdom Of Norway, and I am writing for your daughter, (Y/N). I found her beaten up by a group of girls and I am writing of her concern. This is why I am asking your permission if I can take her as my soulmate. I will protect her, and she will be a pride of your Finne family. Your family reputation is great, and I will make it greater. First I will ask your daughter if she is interested. Thank you and please reply.

Kingdom of Norway

I sealed the scroll and called for my messenger. 'She will be safe now...'

End of flashback-

After talking to Iceland, I went to my bed and started to read. Then I fell asleep.

I woke up when I heard laughing. I dashed into (Y/N's) bed and found Icey talking to her. "Hey hey hey Iceland take it easy on her," I said. Iceland went to his room reluctantly. "Are you feeling fine?" 

"Yes, very much, your majesty."

"Oh, please call me Norway, or Lukas,"

"Uhh, ok... L-Lukas," she started to blush. She looked cute. "M-may I go home now?"

"Actually, a-about that..." I started. "You will be staying and traveling with me for a while."

"What?" She looked shocked. "But I'm weak! But I'm ugly, and I have nothing I can be proud of! Why did you choose me?" She paused, gazing at me.

"Because you're pretty, cute, and nice," I said simply. Then it happened.

I kissed her.

In my surprise, She kissed me back. We stayed like that for a while. Then she pulled away. She was silent for a while. Then she smiled at me. "I'll gladly come with you!" I gave her one of my rarest smiles. (A/N if you were looking for lemons, not today, naughty ones :P) 

Then the messenger bolted in and gave me a scroll. I flattened it and read.

Dear Your Highness,

Thank you.

And yes.

From, Eleanor 

I beamed and showed it to (Y/N). She was happy. She said, "When are we leaving?"



"Don't worry, everyone will come. Your big brother will be so proud." (A/N Norway has all info of people's families. Don't ask me why...)  (Y/N) beamed and hurried out the door. Then she stopped. "My things are still in my home,"

"Don't worry, my troll said that your mother is going to bring it," I said.

We headed out for the dock. Many people were there, including (Y/N's) family. 

Everyone looked shocked when they saw her walking with me. 'What's the big deal?' I thought. "That weakling is The Great One's soulmate?!"

"But she's so weak and sweet!"

"I know! She doesn't deserve this!"

"Everyone, shut up!" I shouted.

"No... Stop," (Y/N) said, slightly mad. "They can shout what they want to, it won't matter because I won't see their faces, thankfully. You guys that called me weak, I'm not so weak anymore, aren't I?!" She raised her voice, "No one can say anything, now because I rule over you! So watch your mouths or you will be sent to hell!" Everyone gasped.

"You're just a tweak who has some support from some posh leader," a huge girl stepped up. Wait. She was the one who whipped (Y/N)! "You don't mean a single thing. You're just acting it because you're thinking you're good and all!" I clenched my fists. I was about to shout something when (Y/N) came up to her and punched her. The girl looked at her, awed. "W-what? How did you do that?! And it hurts! You had no strength!" (Y/N) said, "I do mean something, and you don't. And it hurts, right? THAT WAS HOW I FELT WHEN YOU ALWAYS BEAT ME UP!" And with that, she boarded the boat, sobbing.

I looked at every one of the villagers, and shook my head. "What a disgrace to the Viking world. (Y/N's) parents, thank you for taking care of her, I will let you see her in the next 3 months. Give me her stuff and she will be fine. Bye everyone." Everyone bowed silently, and I boarded the boat.

I looked for (Y/N) on the boat. I found her, looking at the ocean on the tip of the boat. "(Y/N)!" I shouted. She looked back at me, not crying anymore, rather with a confident, smiling face. "Hey," she said. "Let's go." I nodded and ordered the men to start sailing to my hometown.


My hand hurts like crazy.

I'm hungry.

And I want to play Minecraft.

Italy: Ve~ me too~~~~! My username is _Pasta_

Doitzu: minze iz WurstLover1

England: Mine is iHateFrogs101. (Gratitude to Welcome2MyEmoLife <3)

Japan: mine is Kiku

Italy and Doitzu: WAIT ONLY KIKU?!?! SO FORMAL

Russia: my username is #kolkolkolkol


Norway: oop, sorry guys I accidently summoned Russia instead of my troll, and my username is DaneIsAJerk

Denmark: I try!

Okay okay, go away everyone! Bye guys, and don't forget to maybe rate, follow, or comment what I should do!!! Much luv ❤️

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