End Of War (Part 2)

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Norway's POV:

As I walked out of my bedroom, yawning, I saw (Y/N) rocking herself on the floor. "Are you okay?" I crept up to her. She flinched and looked at me, with crazy wide eyes. "Y-yah, how can I be NOT FINE!" She screamed. I held her hand, and she seemed to calm down. "Tell me... I'm your husband after all... Or you don't trust me?" (Y/N) sighed and told her tale.

"Do you remember a girl kissing you when you were little?" I gasped. How did she know? "Y-yes..." I was about to let my tears fall. Oh, how I miss her... "Y'know, she was a selkie like me, right?" I nodded.

"W-well, that was me." I stood there, shocked. "B-b-bunny?!" I gasped. She nodded, tears falling. "But- I saw you die! The pirate ships attacked your seal clan! We chased them off! But still! I thought you were dead with your parents! I cried for years now!"

"I-I'm sorry... I was washed onto shore, and a family took me in... I couldn't remember anything... I thought they were my biological par-" Before she could say anymore, I kissed her. After when it seemed like ages, I pulled away. "A-at least, we are reunited... I promised you, right?" She nodded, crying. "Oh Lukas!" Suddenly, Denmark bolted out his bedroom. He was about to say something, but gasped. "Are you alright? Why are you two crying?" 

"Shut up, Anko, what do u have to tell us?"


"Oh- WHAT?" I dashed outside and got binoculars. Indeed, there was a a ship with a Denmark flag. I swore under my breath and shouted, "All soliders get ready to fight!" After everything was prepared, I warned the villagers to stay underground in the cave outside the town, to be safe. (Y/N) was just standing there, with true fear in her eyes. "(Y/N), I'm gonna be fine, but you follow the citizens to the cave, and protect them. I trust you, yes?" She nodded, eyes bright. "Yes..." She ran away. This could be our last time seeing each other, but I don't care.

Even if I die, I'm gonna die happy.


Marukaite Chikyuu!!!!


Oi oi vati I love that child

Oi oi mutti listen to this mutti

The deck brush that child gave to me is the thing that I treasure the most!


Draw the circle for the world

Draw the circle for the world

Draw the circle for the world

I am Holy Roman Empire

Draw a circle for the world

Take a good stare at the world

Could it be the world?

I'm The Holy Roman Empire.

Ahh~ with just a stroke of paintbrush

A wonderful world can be seeeen~

All kinds of people come and go from my house~~~~

"O-oi Italy, won't you join me to be the Holy Roman Empire?"

The True Stoic (Hetalia Norway x reader)Where stories live. Discover now