What The....

2.1K 35 12

Ok. So...


Look, I just posted this because I wanted to show my friends my account. I mean, I ditched Wattpad for a year, and I found it one day, because I accidentally pressed a weird button. I mean seriously, I did not want views, or like idk. I don't know! Wtf!!!! I mean, it's not like I'm sad or mad, I'm actually happy rn! But woah. I even have like 40 views! I thought no one would even look at my book, since it looks so... Uh, kinda stupid for me... I mean idk. And this, honey, was one of my rants.

Norway: woah. I thought no one loved me...

NoNoNo, I love you!!! 'HOLY that sounded wrong...' N-no w-wai-

Norway : really....? *blush*

I.... Ahem... So guys, the point of this pointless chapter is... Idk.... Lol

Norway: seems like a crack chapter... *reads book*

Oh yeah, I wanted to thank ALL of you who clicked my book and ACTUALLY read it, like wtf this is crap bruh.

Iceland: hey... I heard that you have 1k views, right?

Yeah, did you come here, too? Meeting is starting soon~ ^^

Iceland: I would come, maybe, but I just came here to hang out.

Oh... Ok.

America: THE HERO IS HERE~ >~<

Oh, hi America! Welcome to my meeting!

England: hello, Julie, I was dragged by this wanker here- LET GO OF ME!!!

... Oh my... Guys... Quiet down...

France: Hello, my beloved, congrats~ ugh, and that Iggy weirdo is here...

England: you stupid frog! Get out of here!!! *fights*



Denmark: Norge! I bought beer for the party- wait, is everyone here already?! Woah a lot of people are here! It was just only the Nordics in here, except Sweden is dragging Finny out of bed... And where's Icey?

Norway: Ice is hugging the fridge over there.

Denmark: ... COOL!!!

Sweden: *carrying Finland* I'm here....

Finland: Can... You put me down? It's kind of awkward...

Iceland: I'm back, woah everyone is here now...

Belgium: Hello! Me and my brother is here~

Netherlands: We were ice skating, sorry we were late... Also, my sis dragged me to her house for waffles...

Taiwan: the Asian countries are here, too~

South Korea: HIIIII

China: Hello, aru.

Hong Kong: Sup...

Iceland: Hong Kong!

Norway: *huffs then looks away* whatever. Are we going to start the party, Julie?

Err it's actually not a party... I just wanted to meet with every one of you guys...

America: oh... WE CAN MAKE IT AS A PARTY THEN~ ^~^


Norway: *huff*

Guys... I didn't want... This.... As a party... *gloom* I'll just sit in my bedroom...

Norway: hey, wait, don't be so sad...

Norway... Takk, but I'll just go in my bedroom.

Norway: I'll come with you...


Norway: I dunno. Just...?

No no no, it's fine, join that 'party'... It's all fine. 

Norway: I don't like to party... You know that...

*smiles* Of course I do know that... Now, let's go upstairs.

Norway: sure...

Hungary: Awww, look at the couple going upstairs~

Iceland: *smirk* Hungary, can I borrow your camera?

The True Stoic (Hetalia Norway x reader)Where stories live. Discover now