Contest!!! Part 1 (mini story)

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Hey there, Julie here...

Doitzu: and I'm here, too!

Prussia: and the great me is here! So no need to worry!!

Italy: Ve ve~~~ include me!!

Norway: so am I, please get this over with. I'm not happy with this story, after all. Like I just don't fall in love with someo-


Norway: *continues reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire* Sure.

Dane: sooooo, what's this about? Also, you interrupted my beer rampage drinking. I was about to beat PRUSSIA, FOR GOODNESS SAKE! *starts crying* oh and by the way, Norway, didn't you have a crush on Ju-

Norway: *pulls tie and drowns him in beer* continue, Julie.

*blushes* OKAY, let's do this! So why did I call all of you? It's because you guys are in a contest!!!

All: WHAT?!

Whoever who wins will appear as a star in my next book! Like cutie Norway did! 

Norway: *stiffens up* ...

So, what you have to do is to get attention from the fans watching us. Simple, right?

All: I'm on it!

:) I am waiting on you fans, or I cannot continue. Bye bye!!

The True Stoic (Hetalia Norway x reader)Where stories live. Discover now