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Your POV:

I can't believe I'm going to become Luk- I mean, Norway's wife! But I don't know how to do anything, except for cooking and sewing! How am I supposed to help him? Norway walked up to me. "Hej, are you okay? You don't feel seasick, right?"

"I'm fine. I-I was just wondering I-if you ever smile..." I lied. Norway looked at me suspiciously. "If there's any trouble, don't worry and tell me. And I don't know why I don't smile a lot. Well, if you are looking for me, I'm on dock." He headed out my room. I huffed. 'Well, I'm going to try my best.' 

Suddenly, the ship lurched violently. I fell down and stood up again. I went up the stairs onto the dock. "WE ARE GETTING ATTACKED! RETREAT!" Shouted Norway. I gasped as I saw the Danish flag on the other ship close to us. "Oh my-" I was suddenly knocked down by the ship's lurching. The other ship came closer and closer to us. Norway grumbled something under his breath, sounded like "annoying Dane". 

And sure enough, I could now see Denmark. He had crystal blue eyes and obnoxious hair, and he always had a huge axe hanging over his back. He was rumored in our village to be scary, and I totally believed it. Now I'm shaking like crazy. "N-Nor-Norway," I stuttered. "W-what now?"

"Don't worry, we will get out of this," he sighed. Denmark pointed to a nearby island. "Let's do it there, if you escape, all hell will break lose, and you'll lose that sweetheart of yours," he smirked. He's ransoming? How dare he?! Norway growled.

 "Fine." We hopped on a boat and rowed to the island.

"What's this about?" Norway huffed, annoyed. "Oh, it's about war n' stuff, let's do this!!!" Denmark yelled loudly. Norway took out his bow and knife. "CHARGE!" He exclaimed, and everyone started to kill each other. Norway pulled me into a grassland above the war. "You stay here, I will protect you no matter what," he hurried away. I kneeled down on the grass. "I hope he's okay," I said out loud. "He will!" Someone said. I jumped up. "WHO'S THERE?!"

"Calm down, I am a fairy helping Norway. He sent me to assist you. Now, we have to wait. By the way, my name is Evie, nice to meet you!" A tiny girl as big as a butterfly with wings appeared in front of my eyes.

"Oh, hello there, I have heard about you from the troll,"

"Wow! Cool! Anyway, let-"

Suddenly, men behind me grabbed me. I started to struggle, but they were too strong. Then Denmark appeared in front of me. He grabbed Evie and put her in a bag. "Hehehe, you belong to me now!" He smiled. "NO! HELP!" I screamed as loud as I can. But they tied me up and carried me into their ship. Then I heard Norway shout my name. I shouted back to him, but someone knocked me out cold.

Norway's POV:

What is Dane doing?! Taking my beloved! Suddenly, I realized. He was aiming for (Y/N) and ransom! How dare he... "ARRRRRRGHHHHHH!" I shouted out frustrated, tears about to fall. I went to my ship and sailed after Dane. 'He's going to pay for this...' I thought.

Dane's POV:

Well, I'm supposed to capture this girl for ransom, but boy, she looks beautiful... She looked cuter when she's sleeping.

Unfortunately, she woke up.

"Hmmm?" She mumbled. Then she bolted up. "AHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed. Her scream is so small 😅. "Hey look, I won't kill or hurt you, you're gonna be safe and sound." Then she went down on her knees. "Please return me to Norway, please..." She pleaded.  "No, I'm sorry. I am not allowed to. I will give you food," I offered her bread. "No..." She pushed it away, and she started crying. "No, don't cry... Please!" I pouted like a baby. I swore I caught a glimpse of her giggle. 

Your POV:

He seems like a nice person... Why would he do this to my beloved?


Prussia: heyheyhey zhe awezome one iz here!!

Dane: you're not as awesome as meeee!!!! 😛

Prussia: YOU- $;&-)4$28;91

I am sorry, please hold, Wattpad is broken because of certain movements of a crazy man.

Dane: Waaahhh Norge! Help!!!

Norway: bye.

Italy: say... What happened to-a Julie?

Doitzu: she retired... Because Prussia wanted to fight with her...

Italy: Ve Ve~ oh no!!! Will she write stories???

Japan: yes, she rill, I will be taking the roreplay of Julie. Rate, comment, and put down some comments below prease! *Blows a kiss (imitating the West people) 

I am sorry, please hold, Wattpad is broken because of certain movements of fan girls.



Ok ok, I'm back... Is Prussia still here? 

All: nope

Good. Well, please follow, rate, comment, and do whatever you want to do lol... Sorry I appeared so late... Also, I thank all of you who commented down and rated! Sayonara!!!!

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