End of War (part 1)

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Your POV:

I have been thinking what Lukas had said. 'I feel terrible... I would fly away to heaven in peace, but he will stay forever, his heart tinged with sadness and anger.' I walked across the castle garden, when someone with a covered face approached me. "Hm?" I wondered. "Hello? Do you need help?" The person revealed the mask...

It was Denmark.

Before I could scream, he blocked my mouth. I tripped him with my dress, and ran. However, he was pretty fast, and grabbed me. "Let me go! You bastard!" I screamed. "Wait! Don't scream! I just have something to tell you!" I stopped struggling and looked up at him. "Like what?" I asked suspiciously. "Come here..." He led me to an empty place. "What is it? I asked impatiently."

"Well, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to capture you, I'm just a country ruled by a rude, merciless king! Please forgive me!" Tears formed in his eyes. I gaped at him. Did he just say all that?! I crossed my arms. "What did he order you to do?" I asked. "He told me to abuse you to death and do... You know! Weird things to you!!! Of course, I said no, but he said I would crumble if I said no! I'm so sorry!!!" He sobbed. I patted him. I truly felt sorry. "Well, it's okay. But you have to trust your own instincts rather than being a puppet of someone else! Now, we will be friends, and I will let Lukas know. But first, you have to apologize to him, too. Okay? Come with me," he nodded and we set out to find Lukas.

We talked as we looked for Lukas, and Denmark seems to be a nice person! His human name is Mathias, and he loves to drink beer. His hair is weird though.

When Lukas saw me and Mathias coming, he freaked out and almost killed Mathias by hitting him over and over again. When I finally calmed him down, I explained everything. At the end, he shook his head. "I don't believe that bastard," he sighed. "But Norgeeeeeeee! We can play together like OLD TIMMEEEESSS!!!" Mathias whined. "... Fine," Lukas thought for a moment. "But I'm watching ya..." Then Mathias hugged Norge. "I missed you, BEST BUDDY!" He cried.

"Me too, Anko..."

I fangirled. "AWWWWWWW!" Lukas blushed as he pulled away (A/N omfg. DenNor. *Dies*). "Let's go back into the castle, and make room for Mathias to sleep." I said, yawning. Today was awesome!

Time skip brought to you by... ITALY'S SONG FOR DOITZU!!!!


Italy's song to Doitzu

Germany, Germany, Germany is a really really nice place~

Even though I'm your prisoner, you give me food,

And it doesn't suck like English food.

Sausages and cheeses always taste so good,

It would be heaven for a dog, yeah that's Germany~

Tell me, how is it you Germans are so robust, you're crushing me with you intimidation, 

My fragility causes me to openly weep out of fear,

Your woman terrify me!

Is it normal to drink a barrel of beer, and bust it on somebody's head~!

Please don't come to my place in large mobs, German tourists are scary!!!

Even the girls that are from Germany are more rugged than I am..


-back to story-


I woke up in a field. 'The same as the last one!' I thought. This time, I saw the baby Lukas holding hands with the baby myself. "I have to go, you won't forget me, right?" Lukas said, dully. "Of course!! I beamed. Also, my selkie parents are waiting for me, oh and...." The me hesitated. "What is it?" Lukas asked. "I-I have a crush on you..." Myself kissed him on the lips, and hurried away. Lukas just stayed there, in awe and wonder. Then, a baby Mathias surprise attacked him. "Hey Norgie!!! We're going now!" Lukas just stood there, with a smug little smile on his face. "Oh my god! You're smiling!!!!!! Your Anko is proud!!!!!" Lukas snapped out of it. "Shut up, idiot." Then everything faded.

I fell as the ground disapeared and splashed underwater. Wait. I could breathe underwater! I saw a group of seals. Then I saw another seal swimming towards them. "Hey, (Y/N)! Why were you so late?" A seal asked. That seal must be me! "Oh sorry, but I confessed my love to that boy!!" Every seal cheered. "YAY! After 2 years!" But the seal me saddened. "But he had to go..." Every seal patted my back. "Aww, don't worry, he will come back... I think?" A seal said.

Suddenly, there was a bang. A group of seals screamed as a ship of pirates knocked them off. All of the seals fled, but the seal me got her fin stuck. "Help!" It screamed. Then 2 bigger seals tried to pull the seal me off. They succeeded, but the ship was right in front of them, full speed. The two seals threw the seal me, and they got hit. "MOM! DAD!" That was the last thing I heard when I woke up.

'Just a dream, just a dream. I don't care if it's real, but it's JUST a dream. I'm safe.'

And then, something happened.

I had never seen it coming.


Today, I ate so much lemon cake and cupcakes. Omg.

England: Hey! Speaking about cupcakes, I made THIS for YOU! Try some!

Uhhh.. I'm fine...! Heheheh... *slowly backs away*


England: No, you jerk, it's my cupcake!

Dane: bye.

Norway: sigh... I'll try it.

Careful, Nor...

Norway: *bites and faints* w...worst c...c...cup...cake... Ever.......


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