Together From the Beginning to the End

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Norway's POV:

She looks so cute when she was sleeping... I wish she could stay forever... But I am a country and she's not... We have to part soon enough. I snapped out of it when (Y/N) shook me. "Hello? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about the war,"

"Okay, let's tour this village! I'm so excited!


The marketplace was a buzz. Everyone bowed when they saw me and beamed at my new wife. (Y/N) beamed back and shook hands with people.

"Everyone, this is my wife-to-be sweetheart. Her name is (Y/N). Treat her nicely or you will face consequences. Got it?"

"Yes, Your Stoicalness!" Everyone continued to shop. (Y/N) was choosing bread. "Mm! This looks-" Suddenly, I couldn't see her. 'Oh no...' I searched for her but couldn't find her. Where is she?! Then I saw a person with her. He was dragging (Y/N)! I pounced up to him and punched him in the face. "WHERE ARE THE GUARDS! FIND EVERY ONE OF THESE DANISH SCUMBAGS!" I shouted. "YES SIR!"

I turned to (Y/N). "Are you okay?"


"Good. Now everything's fine..." We were about to kiss.

Little did I know someone was behind me.

Your POV:

I caught a glimpse of a person with a crossbow pointing right at Norway. 'NO!' I thought. I pulled away and stood in front of him right when the arrow was released. Then, my leg hurtled like crazy. I fell down, and saw a puddle of red darkness under me. Norway eyes widened.

And in the first time since I had ever saw him, tears started to drop from his eyes. "Why..." He cried. And I wiped his tears away and whispered, "Because I love you, Lukas..." 

And I slept.

Norway's POV:

I told the guards to take her to the hospital and treat her. Then, a dark purple aurora rose with me. Fine, they hurt my sweet one? I will show my true self. Magic started to appear on my hands, and a thunderstorm started. I flew up the ground and summoned my troll. This time, the troll was bigger, because I put more power into the spell. Everyone mumbled, "Into our houses," and everyone disappeared. Wait. Not everyone. A group of men were trying to escape. My indigo eyes glowed. "YOU CANNOT ESCAPE FROM ME! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! MY THE NAME OF SATIN, I SUMMON YOU TO HELL!" Then, I put all my magic energy into my hands and burst it to the men.

 At last, the storm stopped and I stopped flying. It was sunny again and everyone came out of their houses. I collasped, too weak to do anything. The guards hurried to me. "Take me next to (Y/N's) side. I need to take care.... Of.... Her....." Then I fainted.

Your POV:

What... Is... Happening? My leg doesn't hurt anymore... Am I dead? Am I in heaven? But everything is black and I could still think. "L-Lukas? Hello?" I called.

I was alone.

Suddenly, I fell into a field. 'This place is familiar...'  Then I saw a girl about age 5 running, with a boy  in the same age as her running after her.

The girl had long, pitch black hair, with sea blue eyes, and she looked so familiar... That's me! But... Why can't I remember this?

The boy had light blond hair, with a cross pin on the side. He wasn't smiling nor crying, he looked emotioness. That's LUKAS! But why is this being shown in my mind? Is this a lost memory? Does that mean I knew him?? Then suddenly, a beautiful woman with long blond hair and a dress tiptoed to us. "GOTCHA!" She shouted. The five year old me giggled. And the five year old Norway pouted. "Can't we play longer, Scandinavia??"

"No, you played for 3 hours already. It's time to go."

"Bye bye, Bunny," wait. Bunny is my NICKNAME! How did he know?

"Bye bye, Lukas!!!"

I followed myself into a cave filled with water. Wait, where's my home? Why is myself here? Then myself put on some skin and she recited some words. Then she jumped into the water. 'NOOO' I thought, but suddenly, I saw an adorable seal peeking up. 

I get it.

I woke up, screaming.

Norway's POV:

Hm? I heard screaming. I woke up and saw (Y/N) panting. I stood up immediately. "(Y/N)!!" I shouted. "Are you-" 

"Get me a sealskin, give me a selkie fairytale book, and meet me on the shoreline."

"Wait wha-"



She limped away. 


I got some sealskin and my favorite book of selkies. What is she doing?

(Y/N) was standing there, and I gave her sealskin. She turned to a page of selkie language. She widened her eyes. "I can understand it..." Then she recited some words, put the sealskin...

And jumped into the water.

I gasped. I tried to find her, but she was gone. No, I lost her again! Suddenly, a cute seal with sea blue eyes appeared. "Hej!!!!" It said.

"AHHH! WHO ARE YOU?!" I shouted.

"(Y/N)! I had this dream, while I was passed out, and I figured out that I was a SELKIE!!"

"WHAT?!" The seal stepped out, and out came (Y/N)!! But... Problem. She was naked. I covered my eyes, blushing. She noticed, too, and squeaked. She put on sealskin as a dress. I hugged her. "Now I got a magical creature by my side..." She beamed and pecked me on the cheek.

What a tiring day. We headed to my castle.


All: oh, my, God.

Yup, I put a twisted plot there ;)

Norway: y-yes... Uuh J-Julie, would you g-


Norway: *summons troll and troll put Dane in a large trashbag* uh, yes... Can you? I mean, would you?


Prussia: I am here to fight Julie!!! Kesesesesesesesesese


Norway: *troll puts Puts Prussia and Gilbird into Sweden's room. That's what you get for pestering Julie!


Su-San: hm?

Fin: hello!!! Merry Early Christmas! 💖

Finland, it's not Christmas yet, you were supposed to appear then!

Fin: oops, pretend this was Canada!

Canada: hello! I came here so I can talk to you guys!

Hi Canada!!!!!

Kumajiro: who are you?


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