1) Adoption days & forever

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I was playing with my teddy bear mr snuggles. He's the only thing that I have. I wear the same dress every day and It's getting cold out. everyone outside has jackets; I wish mrs. Cedar would get us some. Even mr. Snuggles has a little red coat. I hug him closer thinking that he would give me some of his warmth. I was stupid to believe it would work. Just as I was getting up to go see what's going on around the orphanage mrs. Cedar knocked on the door. "Hi sweetie, there's a woman downstairs who wants to meet some of you so hurry up and get down here, you'll like her. I promise." She said leaving the door open. I walk downstairs and sit in a chair in the corner. I'm kinda scared she won't like me, they never do. It's either I'm too shy or too ugly, I have a slight speech impediment, but most people say it's cute. I see a tall blonde lady,that must be her. She was very pretty.

Taylor's pov
I have made a huge decision to adopt a little girl around the age 3-7 and I'm so excited to meet my new little girl. I parked my car in front of the orphanage and got out. I was greeted by the woman I talked on the phone with. "Oh hello, you must be Taylor.I'll be back in a jif with the kids." She says shaking my hand and jogging up the stairs. I sat in a chair and waited for the kids to come downstairs. I see many adorable little girls. But one towards the end of the line caught my eye, she had huge brown eyes and a dirty blue dress. Ill talk to her first. I walk over to the tiny little girl, probably 3 or 4. I bend down to her hight and smile. She smiles back.

"Hi." I said

"Hello." she replied rocking on her heals.

"What's your name,pretty girl?"

"I'm summer, you're pretty too. What's your name?" She asked, she's so cute

"Aw, thank you my names Taylor. How old are you summer?" I ask still smiling. She counts her fingers.

"Depends, what's today?" She asks. I chuckle ,

"Friday, sweetie" She nodded and thought for a moment.

"Oh, then I'm four years old" she says holding up 4 fingers "how old are you?" I laugh

"25" I say

"Oh,that's a big number" she says with her eyes wide. I feel some sort of connection to her at once. I decided to adopt her. I nod and stand up. I see her smile turn to a hurt look.

"Oh, yeah. Your leaving now aren't you?" She asked looking at the ground. I gently lift her chin so she's looking up at me.

"How would you like it if you came home with me and lived with me?" I ask, she looks surprised at first but then a smile grew on her face.

"Forever?" She asked

"Forever and always" I replied. And from that moment I knew I would love that little girl more than anything. Before I knew It she hugged me. She whispered something, I could barely hear what she said but it sounded like she repeated 'forever and always' I hugged her back and lifted her back onto the chair

"Stay here for a second I'll be right there" I say pointing at the small room. Then I noticed a dirty beaten up teddy bear in the chair next to her. "Oh, and who's this" I ask.

"This is mr. Snuggles, I got him when I first came here. I was just a teeny tiny little baby" she said pinching her two fingers together so there was only a small space in between. I frowned , she had been here her whole life. She's never had the love of a family, I can give her that. A tear rolls down my face.

"Taylor, I'm sowy I didn't mean to make you cry." She said wiping my tears.

"Don't be, it's happy tears." I say smiling "now stay here" I said walking towards the end of the hall where mrs.cedar was typing on her computer. Then she noticed my presence.

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