23) This is my mother

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Taylor's pov

The police told me to go home and that they would call me when they found her or something that could help us find out her location. If she's hurt or even— no, I can't think like that. But if she was I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing it was my fault for not paying attention. I couldn't go to sleep, I wanted to go out there and help find her but the police insisted on me going home. If I don't get that call tonight I'm going to find her on my own.

Summer's pov

I hugged her and started crying. "You're here, you're here!" I cried into her black sweater. She wrapped her arms around me.

"You were just a tiny baby and now— oh my god this is crazy." She let go and took a long look at me. She was crying too. "You were a really pretty baby, you're still gorgeous." I smiled as she tucked one of my curls behind my ear. Then I remembered that I was lost and my other mommy was probably worried sick. A little bit later we were on a bus headed to the police station.

"Sofia?" I asked, she looked at me. "What's going to happen when mommy comes to get me? Will I ever get to see you again?"

"Do you want to?" I nodded. "I think we can arrange that." I smiled and leaned into her side. Ever since I can remember I've always dreamt about meeting my mother. She wasn't everything I thought she would be (which was extremely unrealistic because I pictured her as a queen) but she was amazing enough.

"You know, you remind me a lot of myself. And that's terrifying."


"When was your age, I wasn't the most normal little girl. Every adult I would talk to would call me amazing or tell me I was 'something else'.At school I was deemed a genius. I could've been taking college courses by the age of twelve but my parents wanted me to grow up normally. In the sixth grade, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. The doctors said I had savant syndrome. At the age of sixteen I wanted to fit in more so I started drinking, going to parties and um... Other stuff. at seventeen I had you. You're really smart like I was. But please don't let what happened to me happen to you."

"Oh my god I'm you! I have that too!"

"We all had it, your grandma and great grandma have it too. We're all a bunch of nuts aren't we?" I smiled a little. I've never had this much in common with anyone. Not even mommy. We got off the bus and walked a little bit more. I sat in a chair while Sofia told the officer who I was. She said they had called mommy and that she was on her way. We sat in silence as we waited, I wanted to see mommy again but I knew she would be angry. What if she doesn't like Sofia? What if she thinks I'd be better off living with Sofia instead of with her? I wiggled my loose tooth, I do it when I'm nervous. When it comes out I'll have to find something else to do. I pushed it a little too far and it came out.

"Ow." I said, spitting out the tooth along with a little bit of mouth blood. I lost my first tooth! "Look!" I showed it to Sofia and she smiled. The tooth and finding my mother were really the only two things that went right today.

"Nice, now you can get money from the tooth fairy." Mommy had told me about the tooth fairy and I knew it wasn't real, but free money is free money am I right?

"Can I go rinse my mouth out?" She nodded.

"Should I go with you or..." She obviously hadn't taken care of a child my age before.

"I'm fine." I walked down the hall and then stopped, realizing that I had never been here and have no idea where I'm going. I walked back to the front desk and tried to ask the man how to get to the bathroom. I'm pretty tall for five years old but I'm still awfully short compared to the hight of the desk so since whoever designed this building had absolutely no regard for short people I had to jump. "Excuse me sir." He didn't hear me so I jumped again. "Excuse me sir." This time he peered over the desk and raised an eyebrow. "Where's the bathroom?" He pointed to the right.

"Second door down that hallway."

"Thank you." I walked down the hall and into the girls bathroom. After I rinsed out my mouth and got rid of the metallic taste of blood I admired the tooth, making sure to be extra careful not to drop it. Someone walked in and I saw them out of the corner of my eye, causing me to jump a little resulting in the loss of my dear tooth Tabitha (yes I named my tooth and no, it's not weird.) I watched in horror as it slid down into the drain. I had lived four years with that tooth, just to watch it go down the drain of a sink in a public bathroom. And I didn't even get any money. My bottom lip began to quiver and tears started forming in my eyes. I ran out of the bathroom and right into mommy's arms for a much needed hug. "I saw a butterfly an- and I wanted to catch it so I followed it and then I got lost and a weird man tried to get me into his car and th– then I heard the voices because I didn't take my medicine and then I found her an' she's my mother and then I lost my tooth but it fell down the drain and–and–and.." I cried. I was having a panic attack. Everything that happened was a little overwhelming for just a few hours.

"Shh, it's okay. Breath." Mommy said, rubbing my back. My breathing eventually slowed and mommy looked up at Sofia.

"Hi." Sofia said, waving. This is gonna be really, really awkward..

I might update again tonight, tell me if you want me to but I can't make any promises. I'm very busy... Sleeping. Anyway.. Hope you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment❤️❤️

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