10) Scary men & giraffes

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Taylor's pov

"Look mommy, I can fly!" Summer said, jumping on my bed and landing flat on her back. She lays there for a moment just starring at the sealing, then she sits up. "What will we do today?" She asked crossing her legs.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?"

"So....when can I meet your boyfriend?" She asked playing with the edge of the comforter.

"Summer, for the last time we are not dating. Just friends." I say. Not seeming satisfied with my answer, summer kept quiet.

"The zoo!" She yelled suddenly.


"The zoo, I want to go to the zoo." I smile.

"Ok,  let's get dressed and then we can go." I said. She lifted her arms up, as a way of asking me to carry her. I've been trying to get her to use her words more often but she's just so cute I decided not to mention it this time. When we get into her room she gets onto her bed and I picked her out an outfit. I picked out a simple white t-shirt and some floral print leggings. She pulls on her white Toms and we leave for the zoo.

"My favorite animal is a giraffe, there will be giraffes..right?" Summer asked as she played with my hair. We had decided that we needed security with us whenever we leave the house for now so they drove and I sat in the back with summer. I had left blue at home in his little play pen thing I had bought a few days ago.

"Yes, there's lots of animals at the zoo." She nods and looks out the window, and started humming. And then her eyes grew big and she looks up at me.

"I completely forgot! Can I audition for the play Annie that were doing?" She asked, smiling from ear to ear.

"Of course" i said, remembering that it was Thursday and she had drama tonight. Once we got to the zoo we were immediately attacked by the paparazzi. Summer hid her face in my neck and started shaking. Soon security cleared them away and we could somewhat still enjoy our day at the zoo.

"Why do people do that?" Summer asked me as we walked through the gates.

"Well because, I sometimes go on tours and perform in front of crowds and-"

"So like a famous person?"

"Yeah." I said. She nodded and kept walking. I smiled and shook my head.

"Mommy look!" She squealed, pointing to the giraffes. I lift her up so she can see better. "Can I have a pet giraffe?" She asked.

"We'd need a bigger house."

"Or maybe, we could just buy a zoo." She said with sudden inspiration.

After a long day at the zoo, summer was more than happy to take a nap. While she was asleep I called my mom.
Taylor: hey mom
Andrea: hi sweetheart, what's up?
Taylor: oh, you know how you've been wanting me to come to Nashville with summer so much? Yeah well I was thinking about coming in a week or so.
Andrea: oh that's great! Your dad and I are tired of only seeing our granddaughter through FaceTime.
Taylor: great! I'll get back to you soon on what day where coming and all that?
Andrea: ok, love you
Taylor: k bye, love you too
I smiled after I hung up. Summer always loves to talk to my mom and dad and brother on FaceTime and they've all been dying to see each other in person. I heard the toilet flush and heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hi mommy." Summer said climbing onto a chair next to me.

"How would you like to go somewhere and meet some very special people."


"It's a surprise." I said. She frowned.

"But I hate surprises!"

"I know, but you'll love this one." She nodded.

"I want to meet this Adam guy." I smiled.

"Tomorrow." I said. Then I checked the time. "Ok if we want to be on time for drama, we better leave soon. She nodded and walked upstairs, then she came down wearing her drama school shirt. We got in the car and drove to the school. We got out of the car and went to the rehearsal room where auditions were being held. A woman handed me some paperwork and a script. We sat down in an empty seat where all the other parents and children were. I found out that she, in addition to reading 2 lines, she also had to sing. But when I tried to get her to sing for me, she got all shy.

"Are you sure you're ready?" I asked while her face was hidden in my lap. She slowly nodded and lifted her head. I returned the form and we waited for her name to be called. I watched some of the other kids auditions. Obviously the older kids did a little better than the younger ones but I think Summer will do great.

"Um.. Summer Swift?" A young woman called out. Summer stood up and took a deep breath. She walked up to the front of the room, where she was asked her age and which classes she is in. Then she read the two lines she was given loud and clear. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Then she was told to sing the part of 'tomorrow' she was given. By the time she finished there were tears in my eyes. Everyone clapped and she ran back to her chair.

"That was beautiful." I whispered.

"I only wanted to sing it once. That's why I didn't sing for you. In sorry if I hurt your feelings." She said.

"It's fine. You're definitely going to get a part." She smiled.

"I hope so."
Summers POV

I put on my pyjamas and grabbed mr. Snuggles.

"I'm sorry I don't spend much time with you anymore but I don't really need you as much as I did. I have my mommy now. I'll always remember you though. Goodbye for now, Mr. Snuggles." With that I dropped him into my toy chest. I didn't need to sleep with him anymore.

"Summer do you still want to watch a movie?" Mommy asked me from the bottom of the stairs. I shut the toy chest and walk down the stairs.

"Yeah. I was just... Forgetting about the past. I had to get rid of something." I said. Mommy smiled and ruffled my hair. We cuddled up on the couch and watched the movie. I smiled and snuggled closer to mommy.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too, princess."
Thanks for reading and sorry for the wait!

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