18) Adjusting & cooking

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Taylor's pov

So it's official, my four year old daughter has paranoid schizophrenia, anxiety and sleep paralysis. She hasn't laughed or smiled in two weeks and she's barely said anything except for 'thank you', 'cuddles?' and 'I'm hungry'.She sleeps in my room every night, which I don't mind. Me and Adam have tried everything to make her happy. We tried to get her to go to Disney land but she begged us not to. She continued to say 'maybe later, when I'm not sick.' The doctor prescribed her pills for the anxiety and schizophrenia.

"Mommy?" She asked. I looked down at the little princess that was resting her head on my arm.


"The voices stopped."

"I know, that's good right?"

"But I don't like the medicine. It's not icky or anything but it makes me different."

"How does it make you feel sweet pea?"

"That's the thing, I don't feel anything." The doctor had warned us about this. It alters the way she feels emotions and she can get confused at times. We can't do anything about it. We can only adjust to life with it.

"I know something that might make you feel better."

"Tell me." She said. I could see a tiny bit of excitement in her eyes.

"Oh, I don't know if I should tell you, Annie." I said, nonchalantly looking at my nails.

"I got the part?" I nodded. "Oh my god! I did it!" She said, spinning around the room with the biggest smile on her face. And she didn't stop smiling. as the day went on I saw a little more of the old her, the one I had grown to love. "We need to call Adam over and have a celebratory dinner!" She said. I smiled and texted him asking if he wanted to come over for dinner and to congratulate Summer.

Adam: I'd love to. See you girls in an hour!

I smiled and put the phone down. "And then we can watch movies and then you and Adam can kiss and he'll ask you to marry him and then he can be my daddy for real!" She said. "Maybe not that last part yet." She said, looking a little embarrassed.

"One day, my love."

"One day I hope that me and you and Adam can live in a big castle with a hundred kitties and a hundred puppies just like blue. I could be a real princess and you and Adam would be the king and queen. We could eat ice cream for breakfast every day because I said so and we could live together forever and ever and ever." She said. She has a great imagination.

"That sounds awesome."

"Yes it does." She said, nodding her head. "Can I make dinner?"

"I don't know, maybe another day."

"Mommy, I can cook. I mean, I'm almost five which is basically a grown up." I laughed. I really just wanted to hold on to this moment of pure innocence forever because I knew that it wouldn't last that long, So of course I let her cook.

"What do want to make?"

"Just make noodles and I'll handle the rest."
"Done!" Summer sang. She had done just about everything besides cutting the vegetables. She set plates in front of us and turned off the lights, leaving the candles placed in the center of the table to illuminate the room.

"Summer, why is it dark?"

"Shh. Just enjoy the soothing music." She said, pressing a button on my phone.

"Wait how did you—"

"Shh. Don't worry about it. I'll just be taking my food into the living room so you two can have grown up time." She said, grabbing her plate and walking towards the door. "Oh and mommy, the password to your phone is my name. You could have been a little more original?" She left the room before I could say anything.

"This was a set up, wasn't it?"

"I think so."

"Well, she really did go all out." I nodded.

"She likes you a lot. She's always talking about you. I'm starting to think she likes you more than me."

"Tay, she adores you. I couldn't replace that." I smiled and took a bite of my macaroni and cheese, it wasn't awful, then again it wasn't good either. I spit it out in my napkin. "Oh it can't be that bad." Adam said taking a bite. He cleared his throat.

"I mean, at least she tried."

"Oh my god! This is disgusting." Summer exclaimed, coming back from the living room. "I am so sorry you had to eat that."

So in the end, we ordered pizza and cuddled up on the couch for a movie. It broke my heart to know that tomorrow, she could be as sad as she was for the past couple of weeks. But I'm going to hold on to this happy memory.
There you go, I love your guys' comments and votes so please do that if you liked this chapter!

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