12) Scary stories

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Taylor's Pov

I woke up and stretched my arms. I looked over at summer and smiled. She looked like a little angel. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled sleepily.

"Mornin' mommy." She said.

"Good morning baby." I said kissing her cheek. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Ice cream!" She screamed. I laughed.

"No ice cream for breakfast."

"Oh, why not?" She ask.

"Because I said so." I said tapping her nose.

"Fine, waffles."

"That's better." So we went downstairs and I made waffles. Summer sat on the couch and watched spongebob.



"There's something in my closet." She said, not looking away from the tv.

"What do you mean?" I asked walking over to her.

"A person, well a shadow." She said. I was getting very worried now.

"When did you see this shadow?" I asked.

"Last night. Before I went in your room." She was saying these things like they were nothing while I was mentally freaking out. I remembered the number for a local child psychiatrist. I fed summer and took her to drama. The second I got home I dialed the number. Now I might be overreacting, but I was genuinely terrified for my daughter.

"Hello, this is woodland psychiatric Office. How can we be of assistance?"

"Um, my daughter seems to have hallucinations at night."

"Oh, and how long has this been happening?"

"It's only happened once once, but I wanted to make an appointment just to be sure it's nothing super serious."

"That's fine, your daughters name?"

"Summer Swift."

After that I just gave them a bunch of other info like my phone number and preferred email.

"Ok ms. Swift, your daughter will have an appointment tomorrow morning at 11:30 with doctor Devereaux."

"Ok, thanks."
Summers Pov

"Why do I need to see a doctor? I'm not sick." I asked mommy at dinner. She told me I had to see some doctor named Doctor Devereaux. I don't mind having to see him, what bothers me is I don't know why.

"We'll he's not exactly the kind of doctor you see when you're sick."

"I'm not dying? Right?" I blurted out.

"What? No. Of course not. We just want to make sure your brain isn't sick."

"Well, my brain isn't sick either."

"Summer, The doctor just wants to be sure."

"Ok. But after we get ice cream." I said deciding I might as well take advantage of this.

Ok, no this isn't turning into a horror story or anything. So please don't stop reading. And on a completely different note, I feel like these little notes after the chapters are getting too boring so let's play a game.

Try to guess Summer's middle name

So comment your guess and I'll say who was right in the next chapter

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