21) The perfect day pt.2

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Summer's pov

When we got home I was really sleepy. Mommy said I could open my presents before I go to bed. I decided to go from smallest to biggest. The first present was a charm for my bracelet. It was a birthday cake. I smiled and clipped it on next to the first one. The second one was a doll that looked a little bit like me, she had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. My hair used to be really light blonde but now it's getting progressively darker. The next ones were a few small toys. I didn't want to tell mommy but I'm starting to think I have too many toys. The last two were the ones I was most exited for. The smaller one was a little pink ukulele, mommy said she would teach me how to play and then when I get good at it I could learn to play a guitar just like her. The last one wasn't wrapped but there was a sheet draped over it. Before I took it off it was pretty obvious that underneath there was a bicycle. I pretended to be surprised just to make her feel like she accomplished something.

"Thank you mommy!" I said, hugging her. "Can I go ride it now?"

"It's now three hours past your bedtime and you want to ride a bike? How do you have so much energy?" Blue was even tired, he was sleeping next to mommy's foot.

"I guess I am sleepy, just a little bit." I yawned and climbed onto the couch. Mommy put her arm around me and I snuggled closer.

"Don't you wanna go put your pajamas on and sleep upstairs?" I shook my head. Then I remembered something, I ran up to my bedroom and took a card out of my desk drawer. I had made mommy a thank you card too. Even though I don't go to real school, mommy's been teaching me how to read and write so I'm ready for kindergarten which starts in three weeks. I ran back down the stairs, jumped back onto the couch and handed it to her. She read it out loud.

"Thank you for being the best mommy ever!" I drew little hearts next to us  and at the bottom was my best attempt at drawing us holding hands. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I absolutely love it. I didn't make you a fancy homemade card like yours but I did buy this." She handed me a card and I opened it. "Want me to read it for you?" I shook my head and turned away from her, determined to read it all by myself.

"L-look who's fi-five." I said, that was already there, mommy had written me a small essay on the rest of the card. "Yeah, have some help please?" She took it and started reading.

Taylor's pov

"Happy birthday to my beautiful baby girl. The past year with you has been the best year of my life and I can't wait to have lots more. This time with you has taught me so much about myself and motherhood. There are way too many things I want to tell you while you're still young enough to want to listen to me but the one thing that I want you to know right now is that I love you so much. More than you will probably ever know. While I wish you could stay this little forever but you can't and I know you're growing up. But until you realize that there aren't any actual monsters under your bed I'll keep fighting them away for you and until you don't want me to hold your hand or call you my baby anymore I'll keep doing just that, but please try not to grow up too fast. I hope you had the best fifth birthday, Summer." I finished and looked over at Summer, who had at some point fallen asleep and was now snoring quietly.
I picked her up to carry her back to her room. She woke up just to put her pjs on and crawl into her bed. She went right back to sleep.

"Good night baby girl." I said, turning off the lights.

"Happy birthday to me." She sang in her sleep. I smiled and walked into my room and got into bed. I lied there for a minute, just thinking, Even after a year it's still hard to believe that I'm a mom.
Ok so I completely forgot to say this in the last chapter but as you can see from the title of the story I entered the wattys 2016! I've never been in a writing contest before and I don't know if I'm going to win in any of the categories or not but hopefully I do good. I just want to thank all of the people that vote and comment on this story because it shows me that people like it and it means a lot to me. (It also shows the people who choose the winners that people like it) but yeah, thanks for all of the support so far💕💕

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