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Have I let the anticipation gone too far? Probably but I've had that chapter set as the final one for a while now, I'd just thought I'd, make you all wait for the epilogue, to which is this chapter. I apologize for this, and that it's the end to a great time. Thank you all for reading and with a heavy, but gracious heart, I give you the most cliché and wonderful ending I can give you all. Thank you for your support, you all are what has made this all bearable. I also hope you all know there are already tears all over my laptop.

The beginning of the end

*Ten Years Later*

This is it. He's going to be there. He's going to be standing there in a tux and the cheekiest smile on his face. He's going to wait at the end, probably with sweating palms, but if I have to deal with sweaty palms for 20 minutes just to have him in the end, bring it on. Even though sweaty hands are gross, and they could slide out of my hands and dear god that's be so awkward. So awkward.

I need to tell him about this because if his palms are that sweaty then something must be wrong. Am I panicking? No I can't be, I've lasted this long without it, just a couple more hours and I'll be married and He'll be happy. But the palms...

All of this goes through my head when I wake up to my alarm, which is also labeled "GET UP YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED". Real motivational Hazel. Now the real question is do I get up? Because once I do all hell breaks loose. Katelyn's on the floor and once she hears the bed even shift, she'll go completely insane, even more so. Her and Isaac ended up getting together, to which I lost 20 bucks to Augustus for because I didn't think Isaac had it in him.

But hey they're happy now, Married a whole week. I still think that Augustus and Isaac planned that but they both deny it, that's okay though because everyone's happy, even me. With the whole happiness in mind I finally get up I swear to you, once my feet touched that floor Katelyn was up and ready to go. I'm truly shocked she didn't sleep in her dress. "Hazel are you ready" she asks and the only thing I could say was " Hell yeah". Boy was I wrong.

I ended up crying while putting on my dress. I don't even know why. The dress was just going over my arms when I Burst into tears. Katelyn was the one tugging it over me so she was pretty helpful. At getting the dress on that is, for the crying she ended up joining me on that one. "I'm getting married today" I say in between sobs, mind you I was at this point sitting on the hotel bed, in my wedding dress, what a site to see.

"I just got married" she sobbed with me. "I love him and he's amazing and we're getting married and dear god what's happening" I say and she's just shakes her head still crying, "Maybe we're just happy?" she says and that makes me laugh, which makes more snot come out of my nose.

If I ruin my dress with snot I am not going to be happy. Like clockwork Isaac decided just then to walk into the room to see how it was going, him being the best man and all. "Hey ladies I just wan- uh" he stopped mid sentence because he being his intuitive self realized his friends soon to be wife, and his wife, were emotional wrecks. "You know I've read about this" he says as he slides next to Katelyn.

"Girls get all their emotions out by crying so naturally, you both are sobbing on an emotional day" he says then gets hit in the chest by Katelyn. That makes me laugh a bit, then a bit more and by the time Isaac is done whining about the pain, I'm no longer crying but laughing hysterically. "Is she alright?" Isaac asks Katelyn in a not so whisper tone. "She'll be fine" Katelyn whispers back.

These two really need to work on whispering. Finally after a couple of minutes Ive gotten it all out of my system. That was it. I was ready. I was in my dress that was fluffy but not too fluffy, I have the perfect shoes that make me taller but not to tall, the vows I wrote are cute but also sentimental I have everything in place, now's just the time to put it all on and walk down that isle.

Katelyn is a big help, that is after Isaac finally leaves, probably to tell Augustus I'm all good. Katelyn hired a makeup artist but I told her to make it natural. Augustus fell In love with me, not the makeup. After that wonder hour of sitting in a chair and having multiple hairs plucked from my face, all that's left is the veil. Which I left relatively short but it still brings everything together and as I stand in front of the long mirror outside the bathroom, I realize I'm not only ready but I've been waiting for this since the day we first kissed.

"I'm ready" I tell Katelyn and together we walk to the elevator and go down to the awaiting car. This is it. I'm getting married and In feel like I'm going to throw up, but in the best possible way ever. I get dropped off at the church with Katelyn and we walk in together.

Both families are there and I'm positive Augustus is somewhere not in site. So I am ushered to a side room in the back by the door, and I wait. I wait and wait and people come into the church, I'm assuming since I keep hearing greetings from outside as Katelyn does her last minute touch ups and even curses the makeup artist more than once as she fixes everything and by the time someone knocks on the door to let me know it's time, I'm more than ready. I get up and let Katelyn go out first then I follow.

Katelyn's the only bridesmaid/ Maid of honor and we have no flower girls so in mere moments My dad latches onto my arm and we start walking. Walking towards everything. To my future and to fights, and midnight dancing, and flour fights, and wearing tee-shirts that are too big for the both of us. I'm walking towards everything that I will ever need and he's smiling that big stupid grin and I just want to run to him.

I don't though. They'll be times where I need to run to him, and I'm not wasting one of those times now. So I wait and walk and once I get to that platform and he reaches for my hand, I know I did everything right. So we stand and we pray even though me and Augustus aren't too religious, and we go through all the speeches and the bible quotes and finally we get to the vows, at that point I almost lost it again.

"Hazel" he starts out. "God I love you, I knew that I did when I finally looked at you and I thought you were Caroline, but I didn't fall in love with that. I fell in love with you, and your dumb jokes and your books and the way that you look when you concentrate" he says then continues with " I knew in Amsterdam that I was going to marry you, I just knew and maybe it was a sign or fate or maybe just two teenagers who ended up falling helplessly into each other' and then he finishes with a " and hey, at least we didn't fall down after falling". That earned a chuckle from the crowd and a few tears slipped down my face.

Of course being the gentleman he was, he wiped them off and then it was my turn. "Augustus, my love" I started then choked a bit, but I was ready, I needed to say this. "Augustus Waters is the star crossed love of my life. Our story is an epic love story and I won't be able to even get a sentence in without disappearing into a puddle of tears so instead I'll tell you about numbers. There's an infinite amount of numbers between .001 and .002 and there's more between .001 and 100 and Augustus that is our love. It and we, are infinite together. We will die out and be forgotten, but to each other we are infinite and dear god I love you even more than infinity can explain. You're my own infinity and god I'm grateful" at that point I just stop because if I keep talking I'll just cry.

He doesn't need to hear anymore though. He'll hear it all during all those 3 am conversations and all those times where we're sitting on the couch talking about how stupid it is. He'll hear everything he needs to know every day, and I'll never forget to tell him that. God I love him and by the time the priest says those words I've been waiting all day to hear, and Augustus says them I'm ready and finally happy. "I do Augustus, I do"

The End.

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