Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I own non of John Greens Aming ideas

As we were driving Augustus was telling me about Caroline. I learned that she was indeed Italian and that she and him meet at some pizza place that he doesn't remember the name of. I liked hearing about Caroline. I don't really know why but it felt like we were resurrecting her from the grave. That every word we spoke she came just a little closer to being almost alive. It's a self indulging thought yes but I liked it. I felt like me and Augustus were making a change.

As I was in depth with my thoughts Augustus came to another stop. I thought something was wrong again so I turned to face him. Except he wasn't there he was on the other side of the car opening the door for me. I thanked him then stepped out into what seemed like a movie scene. We were parked at a little lake in what looks like the only spot you could park. Except no one else was there.

I think Augustus could tell I was confused because he finally spoke. "My dad's side of the family owns some of holiday park because our ancestors or whatever helped make it so this is all private property" He says. I'm still in shock because I didn't even know that holiday park had another lake. It was small yes but still shocking. "It's beautiful Augustus" is all I can muster. "I was hoping you'd say that" He says and he turns me around to look at him "I have a surprise for you" he whispers in my ear.

He goes to the back of the car and grabs and blanket in one hand and in the other is a basket. He walks right past me and puts the blanket close to the water. He sits down with the basket and I follow in suit. Once we get settled he pulls out two peanut butter sandwiches and hands one to me. "So a picnic on a lake this is a pretty good surprise" I finally say to him. "That's not the surprise" he says while pulling a piece of paper out his pocket.

"Dear Mr. Waters"

"Augustus Waters what are you doing I say" as the gears start to turn "Well I found Peter Vanhoutens Assistances email so I emailed her to forward it to him an-" I jumped onto him before he could finish. "Augustus KEEP READING" I practically shout in his face as I get off of him. He continues.

"Dear Mr. Waters I thank you for your electronic correspondence" He keeps going and I keep listening. Every single one of Peter Vanhoutens words sounded perfect with Augustus voice. He finished the email and I sat there in awe. "Augustus" I say in shock. "Could I maybe have his email.." the words barely escaped my lips before he said "Check your mail when you get home" is all he says. I hug him again because that's all I can do. Words don't do this feeling justice. So I'm just going to say I'm really really happy about it all.

It was getting late so we packed up the picnic and headed home. Augustus seemed more at ease now. Like telling me about Caroline helped him almost cope with it. Once we got to my house we sat in the car with a calm non awkward silence. "You're the best" Is all I say to him. "Hazel Grace you don't think I know this" He says wiggling his eyebrows. This makes me laugh which also in the end makes Augustus laugh because of my snorting.

After our little laugh Attack I faced Augustus. "Thank you Augustus really you don't realize how much this means to me" I say as I kiss his cheek and open the door. "I think I can" he barely whispers. I say my thank you to him and then shut the car door. I walked inside to a note on the counter. "Went out for dinner" is all it said with a little heart. No doubt my mother's handwriting.

I walk into my room and changed into sweats. I then got onto my laptop and looked at my email and sure enough there was one from Augustus. All that was there were the link and a little heart. That boy. So that's when I started to compose my email to Vanhouten. It wasn't anything special just my never ending thanks for being Alive and for writing the book.

Though I've never had cancer I think he got it all right. It seemed like he did. It seemed like he almost knew o much for comfort. Like all of it wasn't just for research. I just couldn't get that thought out of my head. I was still thinking about when I fell asleep. Dreaming of my waters, my Augustus Waters

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