Chapter two

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Authors note: Thank you all so much for merely glancing at my story. It means a lot to me and I literally cried when I had 48 views. Now I have 158 which made me feel amazing thank you so much and please tell me what I can do better. Because if something about my writing is off please tell me because I probably wont figure it out on my own. Also this chapter is a little shorter.

Disclaimer: I own none of John Greens wonderful ideas

Once I head back down too my room I open my laptop and look up Augustus. Everyone must know this kid because his face book is packed with memories of parties to past girlfriends which I admitally stalked. None of them seem super exciting just normal people. Except for one I found. Her name was Caroline Mathers. She was very different from the others. She seemed like she was just different. That's when I realize that she and I look almost like twins. Our sharp jaw lines and big cheeks. Our eyes were almost the same shade of brown. That's where the similarity stops. She has a darker skin tone, probably Italian or something and her hair is brown and wavy. Mines the complete opposite. Mines light brown with a page boy hair cut. She's gorgeous and I'm well me. Then I see all the comments on all of her recent pictures. "We miss you everyday Caroline god you were amazing." "Caroline please come back we all miss you." They were all the same condolences but nobody speaks about what happened. She seems to have just disappeared. I close my laptop and take The Price of Dawn from my night stand and open to the first page. An hour later I am entirely engrossed with the story. It may not be anything like An Imperial Affliction but I have to admit Augustus was right. This is an astounding book. I also like the fact that he gave it to me. That's probably why I loved it a lot. I finished the book In two days. I waited to call Augustus though. I didn't think he wanted to be bothered by me. But none the less the next day I went outside and called him. He picked up on the third ring. "Hazel grace" he said in his deep voice. "Hey" I say. "So I'm guessing that you have finished the price of dawn" he says with excitement. "I have and have you finished AIA" say. "That I have not but I'm almost to the end" he says. "Then you should get reading" I say "So I shall" he says and then hangs up without another word. A week passes. I start to get nervous that maybe he had forgotten about me. So I go about life but with my phone in my hand at all times. He calls me on Sunday while I'm eating dinner. I couldn't pick it up because we have a strict no phones at the dinner table. So I let it ring as I ate as fast as I could. My parents never even glanced my way. They were too engrossed in a conversation that I didn't bother to listen to. I excused myself from the table and went outside. I lay out on my backyard porch and called Augustus.

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