Chapter 12

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I am so sorry i missed last Sunday I've had a super tight schedule lately and i am so so so sorry. Any ways so here the chapter and just a warning i have no idea how air port's work. I really have no fricking clue I've never been to one so yeah.

I wake up to the sound of screaming. Not to bloody murder screaming but to too excited mother screaming. The bad thing about this is I don't know which one is worse. So I finally open my eyes to see my mom bustling around my room. I grab my phone and check the time. It read 10:45. Our flight leaves at 11:00.

"MOM OUR FLIGHT IS LEAVING IN FIFTEEN MINUTES WHY ARE YOU NOT IN THE CAR" I yell at her as I'm getting dressed into my plane outfit. Once I get dressed all the way I realize my mom left the room with my suitcase. "HAZEL" My mom screams and I rush down stairs. I see my mom making eggs. Freaking eggs. We are literally supposed to be on a plane right now and she's making eggs.

"Mom" I say and she looks up. Finally she starts cracking up. She's laughing her ass off and now I'm confused."So don't be mad but I changed the time on your phone so you would actually get ready" she says and I want to scream oh so badly. "What the heck mom what time is it?" I ask as I walk into the living room.

Only now do I see that it's still dark out. "3:00" my mom says. She woke me up 8 hours before our flight. .Hell. I don't even want to look at her right now. "Hazel I'm going to get ready eggs are on the table and there's coffee in the pot" she says and I don't reply. I mean who wakes up at 3 am and further more who wakes up their offspring at 3 am when they know it's basically illegal to do so.

I walk to the table and look at the eggs. They were half burned and half under cooked. I don't even know how that's physically possible. Like really how do you do that? I dump the eggs into the trash then cover them with paper towels so she doesn't know I didn't eat them.

She may be an annoying early bird and an awful cook but she still has I finish the funeral with the eggs I grab some bread and make some toast. A breakfast for champions I suppose. You know why is that the saying. It should be more like tailored to your preferences. So my breakfast would be for a socially awkward extraordinary un champion like individual. That sounds a hell of a lot better than champion. My toast pops up with a satisfying pop sound as I get my coffee. No creamer this morning. I need to wake up.

" So I take my breakfast to my room and set it down on my desk. My rather crowded desk, actually my whole room is crowded. I can't even remember the last time I cleaned up. So my choices are cleaning up or reading. I think I'm going to stick with reading. Mom has my only copy of AIA so I guess I'm going to have to choose from my also crowded bookshelf. I chose "You played I use" by Josh Carnet.(Totally made that up)

" It's not too shabby let me tell you it's no AIA but it's an almost close second. I sit on my chair and lose myself in the book. These are the things I live for. Reading an awesome book that you can just get lost in. One that by the time you get to the end you can claim you went on that journey with the characters and you wouldn't be lying.

"This book and AIA are exactly those books. The ones I thrive upon. The ones who after a bad day will make me forget. I believe there are two types of readers. Those who read to remember and those who read to forget, I am knowingly a 100% forgetter. I'm proud to be one too; I'm so lost in the journey that I don't even realize the hours are ticking by.

By 9:30 my mom is running in my room screaming at me to get up or we'll be late to Augustus's. So I gently put the book back and walk towards the front door. Mom has already put the suit case in the car. My dad's standing at the door crying his eyes out; I think he has attachment issues. I hug him tightly as he keeps whispering in my ear that he loves me.

"Yeah he really needs to talk to someone about this. My mom kisses him and hugs him for a long time. God old couples are cute. They finally let go of each other and my mom hooks arms with me as we walk out the door. She gets into the driver's seat and I get into the passenger's seat. She waves to dad who's standing in the front window wiping his face with his hands.

"The neighbors probably think we've gone off the deep end. Mom pulls out of the drive way and I can't help but laugh at the fact that the neighbors have put their trash cans into their grass so it's impossible to hit them. Mom decides that it's her turn for music so she starts to play a radio station that plays the 80's best hits. The songs aren't that but I feel obligated to hate them.

It's basically an unspoken rule of being a teenager. We finally get to his house and he's already on his front porch waiting for us. He jogs to the back of the car and my mom pops the trunk. He puts his luggage in and gets into the back seat. "Do you want the front seat?" I ask him. "Absolutely not and why hello Hazel Grace" he says as he closes the door.

"Amsterdam" my mother says and me and Augustus laugh. It was about a twenty minute drive to the air port in which we spent the majority of it of listening to Augustus's CD and praising the hectic glow. Once we get there we make our way to Security. I chose to go through the huge metal detector instead of doing the whole personal space invader thing.

"After security we are stuck waiting for another half an hour waiting. As we are sitting I decide to distract myself by watching Augustus's leg bounce. It's almost unnatural how fast it's going. It's also rather fascinating. I finally decide to say something though; it's starting to make me feel nauseous. "Uh Augustus" I say and he turns his head towards me.

"Yes Hazel Grace" he says and smirks. "Why are you bouncing your leg so much" I ask and he looks down towards his leg. "Habit" is all he says. I decide to just shrug and drop it. It there's a good reason then it's his reason not mine. They finally call our flight to board. Augustus tenses up but walks with us towards the terminal. He get onto the plane and find our seats.

"I let Augustus have the window seat as I take the middle and my mom took isle. After everyone boards the plane they ask us to put our seat belts on. I do with ease but Augustus can get his in. His hands are shaking too much. I help him and he looks beyond mortified. "It's okay to be scared on your first airplane ride" I say and he looks at me. "What makes you think it's my first time Hazel Grace" he says. "Leg shaking, tension and shaking hands" I say as he blushes. "Okay?" I say as I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers "Okay."

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