Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I know the way i got them to get to Amsterdamwas really expected and not at all exciting but hey i had to figure out some type of way right. Anyways I just wanted to tell you guys I uploaded a new one-shot story about tfios. Also i know i haven'tupdated in a while its because i got grounded again and im really sorry. ALSO PLEASE REVIEW I want to know what you guys thing because it really does mean a lot to me when someone tells me what i did wrong because it means they paid attention. Anyways that was my rant now to the story...

"Augustus you cant just take me to Amsterdam" I tell him as we sit in his car. We are parked back at the little lake but its mid evening not midnight. "And whys that Hazel Grace" he asks me. Now hes looking at me. Shit I know I don't stand a chance under his gaze.

"Because first of all where are you getting money for a hotel and plane tickets" I ask him once again except this time his gaze softens and he whispers to me "Oh about that". He got onto his phone and after a moment he hands it to me. "Read it" he says. So I read it. Its turns out its an email from Peter Van Houtens assistant.

Dear Augustus

I see that this dilemma is quite alarming considering that Peter wants to meet you both so bad. He has agreed to pay for your plane tickets plus a spare one for either of your parents. He has also paid in advance to place you and your Hazel Grace in one of Amsterdam's greatest hotels. I hope to god you and Hazel Grace can both make it here. It would be an honor to meet you both.

Signed by her email. "Augustus" I whisper so that I think he can't hear me but he does. "Yeah?"

"WE'RE GOING TO AMSTERDAM" I shout to his face and immediately hug him. He hugs back tighter than I expected. He finally lets go giving me access to air.

We are going to Amsterdam

We are flying across the country to meet my author.

What is this life.

We keep sitting on his car except now we are discussing plans for Amsterdam.

"We can visit the Anne frank house when we first get there then the next day peter Van Houten" I say but he disagrees immediately. "Hazel Grace once we get there we're sleeping" he says but then adds "I mean not in the same bed because that would be irresponsible".

I laugh and then start snorting. Augustus doesn't laugh though. "What's so funny?" he asks genuinely confused. "I don't know just the fact that you had to add that we would not be sleeping together" I say finally gaining my composure. "What's so funny about us sleeping together" he says becoming serious. "Just how ridiculous it is because we're just friends" I say the words and immediately regret them all.

I know how Augustus feels about me and I probably just crushed all of his hope. So that's when finally say to him "I mean for now" and you could practically see the excitement in his eyes. Theres a pleasant silence that follows our conversation. I like it when we are just sitting with everything but our voices.

Well our physical voices because right now everything else seems to speak for us. It's amazing really. Augustus is the one who finally breaks the silence. "We should probably go convince our parents about Amsterdam" he says and I laugh. "I kind of forgot about them" I say as we get off of his car.

We drive home having a mindless conversation on how we are supposed to let our parents take us to Amsterdam. Well let us go on a prepaid trip to Amsterdam. Same thing right? We pull into my drive way first because my parents are going to need the most convincing. We get out of the car and Augustus grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

We walk to the door and I just go right in. They are both sitting in the living room. This should be interesting. "Hey" I say and they both turn around. "Hello Augustus" my mother says and gives me the look that says "Do not even think about bringing him to your room". I think Augustus noticed because that's when he finally spoke. "Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster I apologize deeply for interrupting your recreation time but me and hazel have a proposal for you both" he says.

My dad's eyes get really really big and before he could say anything I added "No I swear to god I'm not pregnant". He relaxed a bit and that's when Augustus being who he is took advantage of the silence. "As you both know Hazel Grace has been re-reading the same book over and over waiting for the day when she could get answers" he says then takes a dramatic pause. "Well now she can" he says no more and hands them paper that holds the email.

My dad reads it and then my mom does. They both look at each other and smile. "If you're going we are going to set some boundaries and-" she doesn't finish her sentence because I crush her in a hug. I start crying tears of joy and I keep repeating "Thank you thank you thank you thank you".

She finally pats my back signaling me to let go. I let go and Augustus talks once more. "I hate to ruin the moment but we must be on our way to go convince my parents to let us go and if we don't leave soon Hazel Grace won't be back by curfew". "Alright go on you two" my mom says.

I hug both of my parents and walk to the door with Augustus. He grabs my hand and opens the door. We walk to the car and he gets in the driver's seat. We sit through the car ride in silence. My mind is bursting in a supernova of happiness. Its distracting me so much I don't notice that Augustus just passed his house. We are now heading in the direction of the town cemetery.

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