8.The past!

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Your POV

''Take care of her or I'm going to burn your asses!" Roy said with a smirk and an over protective aura.

"I-I will." Ed blushed. Al looked at him with a questioning look."W-we will! " 😅

"Have a safe trip!" Riza said smiling and waving to us.

"Yeah! Bye eveyone!"I said waving back. "I'm going to miss you all!" I said and then turned to Ed and Al."Sooo,where are we going first?" I questioned impatiently .

"We're going to an old friend also my mechanic." Ed said.

"Mechanic?'' I asked confused. "Why would you need a mechanic? 😕" I said after.

" I have this" showing me his automail arm "and this" and his automail leg.

"You too... 🙍" I thought to myself.

I showed them my automail arm. "And I have this."

"You....commited...?" They said at unison surprised .

"Yes...I just wanted my mom back! I missed her, I still do." I let my head down. " I think I can trust them.Well,Ed trusted me enough to tell me he has automail and I know is not an easy subject to talk about..."

"S-sorry that we make you upset!" Al said. He is so kind ,a good first impression.

"We did the same taboo...Like ...... 2 years ago. We wanted to see our mother smile again. I lost my arm and leg but Al the whole body.'' Ed said staring at the ground.

"Oh Al,I'm so sorry! 🙏 " Poor Alphonse.

"It's okay! I've gotten used to this body. I'm just sad that now you'll change the way you think about me, like everyone else did.." He said with a sad voice .

"No Al! I'm not going to do that and I will never do it!" I said to him smiling. I saw with the corner of my eyes that Ed was smiling too.

"We're here! I'm going to get the tickets! ''Said Al and run off.

"Wear this! This means you are in our team and....and..." He started to blush and to look down rubbing the back of his head .He lend me a red coat like his.

"Thanks!" I put the coat on ."How do I look?"

"Aaaa.....aaa...look! The train is coming!" He said and turned around so I can't see his face going red but I see it.

"Come on!" Al said , running onto the train, with us not to far after him. Soon enough we found our places, I sat next to Edward and Al in front of us.

Edward POV:

"Why did you told me so easily about your past? I mean ,I know is not easy to talk about that..." (Y/N) said breaking the silence ,not looking at us .

I didn't thought about that..." That just came out. Well, from now on you'll travel with us and I think you should know." I said and got her attention on us.

"And we should trust you (Y/N) ,shouldn't we ?" Al said smiling .

"Yes! " (Y/N) said offering us a closed-eye smile.

After only a few minutes of silence we heard people screaming.

"What happend?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Don't know . Let's check Al!" I said and Al nodded ."(Y/N) you can stay here."

"Ok." She said and returned to look out the window.

Your POV:

Ed and Al went to see what happend.I was waiting for them when someone pulled me by my arm towards him or her.I closed my eyes and felt gun that was pointed to my head .When I opened my eyes Ed and Al stood in front of us ready to atack.People were terrified .

"GUYS!" Was the only word that come out of my mouth before the men covered it.

"Let her go!''Ed ordered angry.

"Why? She's a cute one! " The man said kissing my cheek.

I tryed to call Ed's name but what came out were just grunts.

"Too bad she's a weak girl who can't excape! Maybe I can play with her after I kill you all! " He said laughing. "O no! He said the word with 'w'. You're gonna pay for this! " I thought as I've bitten the hand that was on my mouth, I stepped on his foot, I gave him an elbow in the stomach and turned and hit him in face with my automail arm."That's for calling me weak , you old men!'' I said very angry.

"Al? Remind me to never say the word with 'W'!" Ed whispered to his brother.

~time skip~

All the people thanked us for saving their lifes. The man was tied up in front of us.

"Your going to be taken by the police next station." I said looking down at him.

"Till there ,can we play?" He asked smirking.

"Don-"I stopped Ed from saying more and went to the men. I stepped the men where 'the sun doesn't rise' . His face expresion changed from a smirking one to a painfull one.

"What did you say? " I asked moving my face closer and smirking.

"N-nothing !" He said in pain. I took my foot away.

"Hmm." I turned to the boys who had confused faces . "I'm going back to our sits. When you're ready , come too!" I said smiling and walking past them .

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