29.Doctor Marcoh!

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Your POV:

'Dream ..."(Y/N)"...dream..."(Y/N)"...dream..."(Y/N)"...dream..."(Y/N)"...dream...'

"(Y/N)!!!" I opened my eyes quickly to find Ed looking at me.

"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"We're here !" Al said.

"Oh, thanks! I was having such a good sleep, I didn't wanted to wake up." I said getting my bags.

"A dream...about what?" Ed asked with curiousity in his voice.

"Not telling~" I said sticking my tongue out at him. 'You~hehe'. I thought and smiled.

"Women and their dreams!" Ed said clearly annoyed.

~mini-time skip~

Edward POV:

Walking up the stairs to Mustang office we've met a lot of people that (Y/N) knew. Well ,she knows everyone here. She looks very happy to see everyone and her smile cheers them all.

"Royyyy~" She said while walking in his office. He was sitting at his desk writing something. He looked up at us.

" I should say 'welcome back ' or what happend to your arms?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Long story..." Al said .

"I have time !" He said crossing his arms. We told him the story.....

"Greed.. I haven't heard about him." He said pating his chin. Then the door opened revealing Mr. Hughes.

"Guys... I heard you were coming." He said hugging us ."Good you're back ,(nickname)! " Then he show us a picture of Elicia. "Look at her ! Isn't she cute ?" He said with little stars around his head.

"Yes ,she's cute ,but we have to catch a train. " I said .

"Already?" Mustang asked.

"Oh ,yea ! We have to go!"(Y/N) said. She and Roy hug and we left the office .I won't miss him .

~time skip~

Now we're at train station waiting for our train. And now he comes.

"Wait!" We heard Armstrong calling for us. We turned around and he was right in front of us ."I'm coming with you!Order from the military!"He said.

"Wait!What? "We asked in unison.

"Scar is hiding here somewhere and you need protection. Anyway, I could not let anything happen to you."He said .

"Just let him. We can't do anything with our arms."(Y/N) said fluttering her automail arm in front of my face.

"(Y/N)'s right,brother!"Al said from the train.

"Al ! Don't leave us here. "Me and (Y/N) said in unison. We get on the train and found our seats.

A knock on the window made ​​us look and there stood Hughes.

"Hello , kids." He said smiling.

"We met 20 minutes ago, Hughes. " (Y/N) said playfully.

"I know!" He laughed. "I've come to tell you that you forgot your photo!" He said holding in hand a photo with him and (Y/N).

"Oh! How could I forget it?"She said taking the photo from his hand very happy.

"And I come to tell you about his presence ." Hughes said pointing to Alex.

"I told them ,sir!" Armstrong said raising his hand to his head saluting Hughes. He doing the same.

"Then I'm off! Have a good trip." He said.

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