27.Bradley is a homunculus?

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Author POV:


At Central Command ,as the soldiers are gossiping about his rise to power, Mustang attempts to visit the Fuhrer, only to learn from his secretary that King Bradley has traveled south to conduct an inspection.

~To Alphonse~

Alphonse POV:

"We've been traveling for too long now .I don't know where brother ,(Y/N) and teacher are. Are they alright? I don't even know what that man wants to do with me."

I turned my head to Dolcetto and saw his nose moving like he smelled something familiar.

"They're here already..."Dolcetto said .

"Who? "I asked confused .

~To Ed, (Y/N) ,Izumi and Greed~

Edward POV:

I stand in a corner looking at (Y/N) as she fights for me and Izumi."I feel helpless . I can't do anything to help in my state. She fights with all her power and I stay here just staring. I'm really sorry for yelling at her , but I can't stay mad at her for my whole life.''I was torn from my thoughts by Greed that threw (Y/N) on the wall beside me, and he ran through the hole in the wall , the same hole where his friends fled with Al.

"(Y/N)!" I yelled , trying to run at her. I got to her and knelt in front.

"He got...away..." (Y/N) said trying to get up but she couldn't and fall in my arms.

"It's alright . We'll get him and save Al. " I said rubbing her back.

"Ed, I'm so sorry ,I should have told you but I didn't know he came here and-" She said burying her face in my shirt but I cut her off.

"I'm not mad at you anymore, I know you just wanted to keep his secret and it's okay,believe me .The one who should be sorry is me for yelling like that at you!I'm sorry (Y/N) ,I will never do it again! I promise!"I said smiling a little. She looked up in my eyes as (e/c) met golden . She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Thank you and its okay,I deserved it." She whispered, Izumi who stood near us smiled .

"Can you walk?" Izumi asked (Y/N).

"Yea , just help me up ." Me and Izumi helped her to stand up and slowly walked to the hole. Just then , soldiers came in the room.

~to Al and the others~

Author POV:

As Martel tries to keep Al's movements constrained, Greed arrives.

"We need to find a way to flee !" Greed said breathing hard from the run.

Soon enough King Bradley arrives in front of them.

"King Bradley!?" Al said surprised to see him there.

"This is Bradley?" Roa said.

"Yes , it's me. " Bradley said .

Greed attempts to activate his Ultimate Shield but Bradley cuts off his right arm.This surprises Greed .

"Who are you,really?" Greed asked.

The battle continues on as Greed can barely dodge Bradley's swords. Roa and Dolcetto run away with Al and Martel.

Roa faces Major Armstrong. After Armstrong transforms the top of Roa's hammer into an artistic version of himself, Roa transforms into his full chimera form, and it turns into a fistfight between both men who are evenly matched.

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