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Your POV

" Does it still hurt ?"Ed asked me placing a hand on my back .

"A little. But you?" I said smiling .

"It's ok , so are you gonna answer?" We had asked Izumi what she knows about the Philosopher Stone.

" I have very little information in this branch of alchemy, but I had encountered an alchemist on a recent trip to Central City who did seem to know a great deal about the Stone. "She said to us.

"Who was this person?" Ed asked eagerly.

"The man's name was Van Hohenheim." Izumi said taking a sip of tea.

I looked at Ed and Alphonse who looked upset after hearing the name. Is there something behind that name and they didn't told me?

"Boys, are you alright ?"I said putting my hands on their backs. I stand between them.

"He..." Alphonse began to explain." Van Hohenheim is our long-lost father." Al stated. "They didn't mentioned their father when they told me their story-life ." I thought .

"But why are you two so upset? " I ask the question, even though I'm not so sure I want to hear the answer.

" The day that man had abandoned us as children and left our mother to struggle and die on her own....how could I forget him?" Ed said squeezing his fists . I took his hand to calm him down, and it worked.At my touch, Ed was calm and quiet drank his tea.

We talked about Ed being a state alchemist much to Izumi's disapproval. Ed and Al told her about their transmutation and I was sure she would kill them after her look in the eyes and I told her about mine too. We didn't have time to finish our stories because a man enters the room. I guess we will talk later.

"Oh dear, dinner is ready?" Izumi said smiling with a lot of love to the man.

"Yes!" I guess he is her husband.

"(Y/N) , he is my husband , Sig. Darling, she is (Y/N) Bradley. And you know the boys." I shook hands with Sig. When Izumi sat up from the sofa, she began to cough. She was about to fall on her knees , but I was fast and caught her. Sig and the boys were quickly next to us. When I looked at her hands, they had blood on them.

"Izumi , are you alright?" I asked her worried.

"Yes , I'm aright. Thank you , (Y/N). " She said smiling.But I was still worried .

"You don't look like you're ok." Ed said with concern in his voice.

"Sorry . I have an illness . It's not a big deal." Izumi said. "Now lets go to dinner, before it get cold." Sig helped her up and we went to dinner.

Author's POV:

After the incident, over dinner, Ed, Al and (Y/N) regale the Curtis's with tales of their recent adventures ,and the boys told them how they met (Y/N), (A/N: they continued their stories) not noticing Sig's concerned gaze at his wife when they bring up the birthing of the baby in Rush Valley. Izumi had to tell them about her transmutation because they knew that wasn't just a normal disease.


After that , they went to bed and Ed told (Y/N) about the day, years ago, when Izumi had wandered into Resembool and saved the villagers from a flash flood with alchemy - the day they had asked to become her apprentices. Though she refused them at first, after hearing that they were orphans, Izumi had agreed to give them a test to see whether or not they were worthy of her tutelage.

"She took us on an island and we stayed there for a month. Without alchemy and without food. We had to catch our food." Ed explains to (Y/N) who was listening carefully to his words.

"Awesome." She said in awe.

"Yea, that really was awesome." Alphonse said .

Your POV:

"Now come in bed ." Ed said to me. I was on the floor listening to their story .

" I sleep on the edge." I said . I put myself in bed and Ed wraped a hand around my waist .

"Night , Al !" Me and Ed said to Al who was sitting in a corner reading his book. Alphonse raised his head to look at us.

"Good night, guys!" And he turned back to his book. I close my eyes , but I can't sleep. Ed is already asleep. I guees he really is tired. I opened my eyes.

"Al..." I whispered so I don't wake up Ed.

"Why aren't you asleep, (Y/N)? " Al asked me .

"I can't... Can I stay with you ?" I asked with trembling voice 'cause Edward was tickling me with his breath on my neck .

"Sure..." Al said.I got out of bed slowly and took a blanket. I wrapped it around me and went to sat next to Al. I put my head on his armour.

"What are you reading there ?" I asked him.

" It's an adventure book." He said.

" Do you mind reading to me ?" I asked him with a calm voice.

"No,it's okay."He started to read the book.

I stayed awake for around 2 hours, until sleep finally overtook me.

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