35.Laboratory 5! ~ Part I ~

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Author's POV:

After they found the cruelly truth , they headed back to their room to think ,to rest ,to do something to keep their minds occupied .

Ed was laying on the couch with Al sitting against the back of it ,and (Y/N) was laying on the bed she and Ed shared facing the wall. Silence was the thing that dominated in the room.

"Brother , (Y/N) , you should get something to eat. " Al broke the silence.

"No, thanks ." Ed replyed as (Y/N) said "I'm not hungry." Ed and (Y/N) weren't hungry,they were disturbed by the information, thinking that the food won't taste as good as always at the moment .

"Sad ,don't you think?" Ed stated quietly ,not letting the silence dominate again.(Y/N) didn't respond as Al replyed with a "Yeah."

The blond alchemist lifted his automail arm up towards the ceiling ,speaking ." It's like we try so hard to grasp the truth ,but it always sleps away . " He made grasping motions with his automail like he was trying to caught the air. " And now that we finaly caught it , it's like the truth is too dangerous to hold." Ed's words almost made (Y/N) cry. A smirk appeared on his face. "I'm starting to think that this is God's way to torture people who made the forbbiden taboo." His smirk was replaced with a frow and he rested his arm over his eyes. "I wonder if all our life's will be like this." (Y/N) stood up on the bed cross-legged . She looked at the brothers with pity in her (e/c) eyes. She placed her face in her hands ,trying hard not to cry. Then Ed said "Hey Al, I was planning to tell you something , but I guess I was to afraid."

"What?" Was Al's uneasy reply.

Ed hesitated a little the spoke once more ." I-" His sentence was interrupted by some loud banging on the door . That made (Y/N) and Ed jump.

"OPEN THE DOOR ,ELRICS AND BRADLEY!THIS IS MAJOR!" A deep voice was speaking behind the door .

Ed sat up and the three of you looked at the door confused . After all, just Major Armstrong could bang at the door this late at night.

"What do we do?" (Y/N) asked with panic wrote all over her face.

"Just ignore him." Ed said laying back.

"So much for that." Was your sarcastic reply when the man outside broke the door and entered the room.

"I know what it said, Edward Elric and (Y/N) Bradley." The man said , the fact that he broke the door handle to just get in to scare the heck out of Al, Ed and (Y/N) .

Suddenly ,tears flowed out of the gigant man's eyes." How tragic! To think that the main ingredient for a Philosopher's Stone are humans life!" He stated in a dramatic pose.

Brosh and Ross got death glares from me and Ed."We're really sorry!" They apologized holding their hands up .

"It's hard to keep a secret from this man!" Brosh muttered .

"Imagine the military doing something like that." The man continued .

Ed eyes widened in realization. "The truth ." He said. "Major do you have a map ?"

He nodded and laid a map on the little table that was in the room. The map showed all the major military facilities. Ed was looking mostly at the laboratories.

"There are four major operational laboratories in Central that has connection with the government.We can norrow it down even further. Marcoh worked in the 3rd laboratory.We should start with that one."

Ed looked at the map thinking. Suddenly something caught (Y/N)'s eyes and she pointed at it . "Here. What's this building used for?" (Y/N) asked, looking up at Maria.

"It's laboratory 5 , it's not currently used. It's not structurally sound, so it's been classified 'off-limits'. " She informated all.

"It's there!" (Y/N) stated.

"Why are you so sure?" Denny asked confused .

Ed seemed to caught on what (Y/N) was saying. " There's a prison next door."


"What's the main ingredient for a Philosopher's Stone?"(Y/N) asked.

"You said it needed human li-" It was obvios that what you where trying to get accros finally hit him.

"There's be plenty of condemned criminals in the prison. They'd be recorded as executed . "

It hit everyone else in the room and all three military officers wore athonished looks. "They'd been using the prisoners as test subjects." Ross stated.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't like talking about it more than you . " (Y/N) said ,holding her hands up.

Ross and Denny exchanged looks. "I have a feeling that we are involved in something really dangerous." Ross ,stated more to herself .

"That's why we told to pretend that you didn't heard anything!"(Y/N) commented a little annoyed.

Armstrong rolled the map and tucked it under his arm . He stood up to leave. "I'll look into what we've talked tonight. In the mean time ,speak of this to no one." He said to the two officers. Then he turned to Ed , Al and (Y/N) . "And you ,Elrics brothers, behave yourself." They jumped at his demand.

"Wait,why not (Y/N) too?!!" Ed shouted. She just stood there like an angel. Armstrong patted her head.

"She's a good girl, she won't do something like this." He smiled sweetly at her and she returned the smile . "Anyway, I know you two boys, you were thinking about sneaking in there and taking a look around ,weren't you ? "

The brothers shook their heads and raised their hands up."We weren't ! We swear!" They said in unison.

"Good!" He said and left.

Then (Y/N) smirked and turned to them . " Are you ready for some more research?"

"Look how the angel turns into evil." Ed said as he smirked along with her .

"Shut up , I know you love me ." She giggled.

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