11.I love you.

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It's already time for dinner. I'm currently in the guest room, alone, where Ed, Al and I sleep. I wanted to sleep on the floor since Ed and Al we're sleeping in the bed buttt noooo, Ed needed to lift me up bridal style and put me with him in bed. It was kind of cute yesterday night. We laughed all night . Winry put my arm back on. And we laughed about that too. I...I think I'm falling for him. He is cute , kind when he wants to be.

I'm walking downstairs now, and I think I hear Ed and Al arguing.

"It's not my fault that you're human and I'm just a suit of armour!" Al screamed at Ed.

"And you say is my fault?" Ed yelled back.

"Boys! What happend?" I intervened. Al run outside. I can swear that he sounded like he is crying. Even if he can't do it. I see Winry who's sitting on a chair scared of what happend.

"Al!!" I yelled after him.

"He probably is going to sit by the river. I'm going to get him later." He said while he's rubbing the back of his head.

"I am going to get him, now!" I ran after Al. I heard how Ed yelled after me. He was right. Al is sittind by the river. I approached him.

"Go away!" He said throwing a pebble in my direction.

"What if I don't want to?" I said calmly .

"(Y/N)?" He said surprised.

"What happend Al?" I sat down next to him.

"Stupid brother... Who can love a soul in a suit of armor? Everyone loves him because he's human. But me? " He sounds really sad. I put my automail hand on his arm.

"Is this really how you feel , Al?" We heard Ed's voice behind. When we turned, it really was Ed.

"Come here...'' Ed sat down next to me. I put my hands around their necks.

"You know what? We have only known each others for 2 weeks. And I have started to love you two very much.And don't say that nobody loves you. We all love you. And someday, after you get your body back you will find a girl who will love you , you will marry her and make me cute nephews and nieces ." They start laughing at my words."And your brother didn't mean to say that. He loves you and you know it. Ed, say sorry to your brother!" I ordered Ed.

"I'm sorry Al." Ed said ,and he really is sorry .

"Better?"I give him my best smile.

"Better!" We all hugged. I think Winry and Pinako were watching at us and I heard how Winry called Al.

"Al, come here a little. I want you to help me with something." She said smiling.

"Coming!" He walked inside the house leaving me and Ed alone.

"(Y/N), you mean what did you just said?" He said with his head down.

"Yes! Why did you ask?" I said happy and unsure at the same time.

"Because we love you too. But I love you in a different way..." What did he just said? H-He loves me ...

"In 'that' way?" I questioned.

"Yes!" Ed looked in my (e/c) eyes and I in his golden ones. Our faces got closer, and closer.... And we kissed. His lips were so soft. We kissed for some time, probably a few seconds before we separated for air.

It's cold outside because it's night and I started shivering. Edward noticed this and put his red coat over my shoulders and hugged me.

"So, does that mean now.....are we together?" I asked unsure.

"Y-Yes , I think so. Maybe we should tell the others . " Ed stated.

"We know." Winry , Pinako and Al said in unison happy .We turned surprised .

"G-Guys..." Ed said embrassed.

"Come on. Dinner is ready. " Winry stated and we started following her too the house.


Please check out my new story! The dancer-Fma fanfic ! 😊😂😜❤

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