21. Dublith /1

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Your POV :

"Are you sure you want to stay here?" I asked Winry holding her hands .

"Yes ! I'm sure! Next time we see each other, I will be better! And so maybe I can help you more! " Winry said with a cute face.

"Ok. Take care!" I said , embracing her.

We said our goodbye's and left. We rushed to catch the train.

"Were are we going now?" I asked the two boys .

"To our teacher." Alphonse's answer made me confused.

"Your teacher?" I asked more confused.

"Yes. Someone that we trained with for a year when we were childs. Before we made the transmutation." Ed explained quietly.

"Oh ... What kind of person is she? "Hearing my question, Ed and Al began to look uneasy.

" You'll find out soon." They said nodding and looking at each other then at me .

"Ok." I said holding Ed's arm.

The train arrived, we got into it, we found our seats and we sat down. After that run, I was a little tired. I put my head on Ed's shoulder and put my arm around his arm. Ed put my head on his lap, letting me sleep. It's more comfortable than a shoulder.

~few hours later~

"(Y/N) , wake up, we're almost there." Ed said with a sweet voice.

"If you say this, with this voice, who do you think would wake up?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Haha.. Your right! Now , come on." Ed said , letting his head down and kissing my forehead.

We got off the train and headed to their teacher home.

We arrived in front of a white house, white fence and a green door what is near a meat shop.

Scared, Ed goes to knock at the door. When Ed reaches the front door, someone kicks the door open, hitting Ed . I hide behind Al while a woman in a white coat and black pants is coming toward us. 'Who is this women? Or what is she?' My mind screamed in fear. When we thought that everything will be okay, that woman takes Al's hand and throws him over her head. After that, she leaned toward me with a smile on her face. I do not know what to do, run away or stay?

"H-H-Hi!" I said in fear.

"Hi, little one! I didn't see you around.What your name?" The women asked with a calm voice .

"I-I am (Y/N) . (Y/N) Bradley. " I said unsure of what she'll do or say.

"Nice too meet you , (Y/N). I'm Izumi Curtis. " She offered me a closed eyes smile . She reached out for my hand. When I took her hand , she threwed me over her head. I went flying till I hit the wall ,next to Ed . He was sitting down as I was on my back with my legs up on the white wall.

"Nice people in Dublith." I said dizzily.

"I know , right?" Ed said rubbing his head. Everything was blurry as I felt someone picking me up .

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