The Question.

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Last time.
Enid: "Hey [YN] is it? I need to ask you something..."

This time.
My heart was racing.
I didn't know how to respond.
She looked at me waiting for me to say something.
I began panicking I wanted to run or get help from Carl or just do anything but not talk to her.
I refrained from doing any of the above and gently responded.
You: "Yeah sure ask away."
Enid placed her hand on her wrist.
Enid: "I was just wondering if..."
Jessie: "Hey Enid, have you seen the new guys little boy Carl I think it is."
We both jumped almost collapsing into each other.
I wanted to thank this woman but at the same time I wanted to hit her for interrupting.
Enid: "Oh yeah he's with Ron I'll go get him one sec."
She walked off leaving me with this person I had never spoken to or met before.
Jessie: "Your new too right I'm guessing your Judith, Ricks daughter?"
I shuffled on the spot.
You: "No I'm actually [YN.] Judith is Ricks baby, I'm as far as I can tell not a baby."
She laughed and I began to smile she seamed really nice so far.
Jessie: "Well [YN] I hope you enjoy it here and I hope Ron is being nice."
I nodded as Carl walked over to us with Enid stood so beautifully beside him.
Jessie: "Carl right? Your dad said he needs your help with something."
I looked at Carl waiting to see if I should go with him.
Carl: "Okay thank you, [YN] you coming with?"
I smiled at Jessie then at Carl.
You: "Yeah sure, let's go."
We walked down the stairs while I looked at Enid she looked at me too and waved I waved back.
I hope that means she doesn't hate me.

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