Dramatic Start

594 23 22

It bothered me so much.
I didn't want what Carl said to be true.
I wanted Enid to be proud but at the same time I didn't want to push her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with.

Warm water fell onto my skin but it couldn't wash away the tight aggressive pain I felt inside.
Maybe he was right.
Well I knew he was.
Should that stop me from doing what I want?
No it shouldn't.

I braced myself for a very eventfully night as I realised what I needed to do.

I had to tell Enid how I felt.
I had to find out how she felt.

I pushed myself up from the warm white base of the shower and prevented myself from slipping back down.

I grabbed hold of the cherry body wash and squeezed it out onto a wet flannel.

Time skip

I dried my hair with a towel aggressively and pulled out the dress that Glenn had promised to get me from his next raid.

I didn't much like dresses I was more of a casually person but I still needed something formal to wear.

It was a tight grey dress with a turtle neck. Although it was very basic it still looked absolutely amazing when paired with some high heel thick black sandals.

I'm not a vain person but when I looked at my self all dressed up, I couldn't help but be exited for Enid to see me.

Once my hair had dried enough I pinned it up into two slightly off centre space buns.

???: "Don't you look stunning!"

I looked in the mirror and saw Carl stood behind me with a guilty look on his face.

Carl: "Sorry for putting you on the spot earlier. I didn't realise what I was saying and I just wanted you to know how I think you should be treated."
You: "Thank you."
Carl: "Thank you?"
You: "Yeah, I've always had the though lingering in the back of my mind but I've just not acknowledged it."

I turned around and looked at Carl as he stepped closer and sat on the edge of my bed.

You: "I'm going to ask her about it tonight. Seeing as you know, it's kind of bugging me."
Carl: "Oh awesome! Well I hope everything goes alright."

I didn't want to get into it that much so I just smiled and changed the subject.

You: "What time is it?"
Carl: "Ermm..."

We both glanced at a clock ticking gently on the wall.

Carl: "Crap we only have five minutes to get there..."
You: "Well! Let's not waste anytime."

Carl stood up and beamed at my then held out his hand causing me to link our arms together as he escorted me towards the party.

Time Skip

Rick: "Well don't you two make a cute couple!"

I blushed a little as Rick drew attention to Carl and I. We were slightly late and a few of the people had got here a lot earlier than us.

I noticed Enid sat over on one of the chairs while Ron was rambling on to her.
However she wasn't taking any notice of him, instead her eyes were fixated on me. I smiled warmly but she didn't even move.
She just continued to glare at me with a angry looking expression before turning to Ron and ignoring me completely.

By this time Rick had gone back to talking with the other guests.
When I turned to talk to Carl he was already staring at me with pity.

Carl: "I think she might just be a bit jealous."

I forced a smile.
Hopefully that was the case.

Carl: "You should go talk to her. I'll... I'll go get us drinks."

Surprisingly it seemed like Carl actually wanted to help me so instead of giving him a cold glare I just hugged him and made my way over to Ron and Enid.

As soon as I was in arms distance of them Ron jumped at the chance to talk.

Ron: "Oh! How nice of you to pull yourself away from lover boy! I was starting to think you two were stuck together or something."

I wasn't hurt by what Ron said but more by the fact that the entire time Enid just glared not saying a word in my defence.

You: "In your dreams! Me and Carl aren't even dating, by any means! I think you're just strung up in everyone else's love life because you don't have one of your own!"

Ron looked me up and down the looked behind him towards Enid who smiled back at him.

Ron: "Woah! Calm your tits! I didn't think he would go for a washed up excuse of a girl like you anyway! Besides he's way too busy trying to bang Enid to even glance in your direction."
Enid: "Ron, come on thats enough, we all know he's got [Y/N] to do all the banging for him!"

Both of us looked at the girl who was now stood up at Ron's side.
I gave her a hurt look as we made quick eye contact.

You: "What do you even have against me Ron? I've not done anything wrong."

Shockingly, Ron didn't yell any lame insults back at me instead he stared aggressively over my shoulder.

Carl: "Leave her alone Ron. She's just trying to get on with her life! You should totally try getting one some day it's actually pretty fun."
Ron: "Shut your trap you fucking ugly rat!"
Carl: "Oh wow! I'm so offended right now! Would you like me to say Hi to your mom when I go back to the sewers seeing as that's where she picks up most of her fuck buddies!"
Ron: "Pft! At least my mother cared enough to stay around!"

Oh shit.
I knew Carl was ready to kill Ron the moment I saw his expression.
As much as I would love for Ron to just be gone forever, I knew it probably wouldn't be the best thing to do in a town full of people who don't trust us as it is.

You: "Carl, come on. Don't let this cunt ruin tonight. It's really not worth it."

While breathing heavily I saw Carl's hands ease from this fist they were clenched up in.

Carl: "Stupid fucking shit talking son of a bitch."

Ron just smirked at us both knowing he had won the argument.
Carl looked at me hurt and anger still mustered in his eyes.
Enid, however, stood lifeless.
Staring down at her feet.

You: "Just stay away for us..."

It became increasingly silent as three pairs of eyes were now pinned on me.

You: "Both of you."

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