Garnet (2)~Ruby and Sapphire

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"What if I burn her?"


"What if she dies when we fight?"

"Ruby! It'll be fine."


"She's a teenager, she'll be fine."

"Um, if you two are down arguing, we could really use some help!" Yells Amethyst.

Centibeetles crawled through the windows, howling and hissing.

I push back the monster that's attacking me from the house.

Pearl and Amethyst are right beside me, lashing out their weapons.

The monster quickly shouts out a loud yell.

We all cover our ears, dropping and unsummoning our weapons, as more tiny creatures swarm in.

Steven is at the beach with ~YN~ currently, keeping her safe.

We fight, and I can feel my arms grow weak, until we finally defeat the monsters.

I bubble it's gem, and I quickly send it away without hesitation.we all sigh. "Everybody ok?" mumbles Pearl.

We all nod in agreement.

Suddenly, i can see another creature lunge at me, before everything goes black.


A weird shimmer reaches across my spin, and I hear a magical hum.

"Sapphire, wake up!" I can hear somebody say. I open my eye and sit up. "What happened?" I mumble.

"A centibeetle escaped to the beach!"


"You were out for just a couple seconds, but Ruby woke up first and unfused with you to go out and protect ~YN~, Pearl's already there, common, let's go!"

Amethyst explains. I sit up, and we both run down to the sparkling waters and sandy beaches.

Steven is dodging and yelling, running away from the creature.

~YN~ is fighting the gems, her shimmering bow and air striking down gem after gem. Her breathing is shaky, but I see Ruby.

Helping her.

Every time ~YN~ stumbles, Ruby blocks the gem coming at her. They're taking care of each other. I can't help but smile.

Finally, only one corrupted gem remains.

Pearl quickly destabilizes it's form and bubbles the creature.


"Sapphire! I protected her! I didn't burn her or anything."

I smile.

We rush towards each-other and hug.

"I knew you could do it."

~YN~ awkwardly stand in the background.

"You know, I did some stuff too."



We're soon all sitting in the living-room.

~YN~ sits next to me. Steven is ok, with a couple of bruises.

"Are you too ok?" I ask. They both nod.

I smile.


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