Garnet (4)~Cracked

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Your mission isn't going too well.

The corrupted gem charges at you. You can't do anything about it, you just can't. Your eyes widen and you step back, but not before Garnet plunges in front of you.

She unfuses, and one of her gems cracks.

Nearly shatters.

All of the gems rush over. Pearl and Amethyst cover their mouths. You bend down beside Garnet, who is struggling to unfuse.

"Garnet?" Asks Steven, his eyes watering.

"We need to get back to the Temple," Pearl mumbles nervously.

You quickly see Amethyst bubble both gems, and you three head towards the temple. You rush into the bubble room.

The gem that is nearly shattered is the left gem.



Pearl, shocked, un-bubbles Ruby, who falls to the ground. "What happened?" She looks around. Pearl is looking away. Amethyst is close to crying.

Ruby looks up.

"No! No NO NOO! Sapphire! What happened to her!?" Pearl inhales and gulps down her emotions. " cracked."

Ruby's eyes widen. She looks at you and hugs you. "Is Sapphire gone?" You ask Ruby. She just cries.

Pearl says that they'll take Sapphire's gem to Rose's garden, and that they would be back soon. Ruby argues to come with them, but they fuse into Opel and leave before.

There is a moment of silence between Ruby, you, and Steven. Ruby starts yelling randomly, tears of steam rising like smoke.

She yells and mumbles to herself, then completely breaks down. "Sapphire?" Steven asks. Ruby looks at him.

"LEAVE ME ALO-" She sees Steven look sad, backing away from her. Her expression softens. "Please." She leaves.

Steven looks at you.

You look at the ground.


It's night.

Pearl and Amethyst still aren't back.

Ruby is outside, looking at the beautiful atmospheric fields and beaches. Her hair is waving and the breeze.

She almost looks.....emotionless...

Her eyes have tears streaming down them, but she's just staring out into the distance, sniffling sometimes, not even blinking...

You sit next to her.

You rest your hand on her shoulder. She sniffles loudly, then suddenly burying her head into her hands, surprising you.

"What if she's not ok!? I can't do this on my own!"


"I'm not special enough ~YN~! I'm not kind enough! There's tons of me, and somehow I ended up being the first ever gem to fuse?"

Steam hisses and rises from her eyes.


Ruby just stops.

"'ll be ok."

She hugs you.

Tears stream down her face. You just hug her.

Steven soon comes and also joins the hug.


Pearl and Amethyst come back, holding a small blue gem.

And it's fixed.

Pearl and Amethyst smile at you guys, setting it down.

Ruby's jaw drops as the blue gem turns into Sapphire.

They rush to each-other and hug, fusing. Garnet is bent down and crying by the time she is re-fused.

All of you group-hug. It feels nice.

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