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"Getingetingetin!" I say, guesting inside of the drill. The earth shakes.

~YN~ and Steven get inside quickly. I follow behind them and close the door.

The drill dives into the crust, piercing the grass.

Bundles of the earth flew off in every direction as the drill dug.

"Increasing speeeed," I say, turning the wheel forwards.

The drill launches into the ground and deep below.

Steven turns on a small light.

"Alright, bracing for impact," he says confidently.

"Actually," I interject, "we have about two more hours until we reach the cluster."

"Oh...wish I'd brought some tunes..."

I turn on some music. ~YN~ smiles and taps her foot repeatedly.

"Oh, music again. Are we going to have to sing?"

~YN~ just smiles and shakes her head. This earthling must be confused.

~YN~ looks out, looking in awe of everything.

Steven sees us going down, down, down...nothing but spiralling layers.

I just focus on drilling my drill.
Steven turns to me.

"Hey, Peridot?" Asks Steven. I look yo him.

"It's kind of freaky down here, isn't it?"

"Whys that?"

~YN~ chimes in, "Because, it's just kind of cold and cramped."

"I can't even...stretch out," mumbles Steven.

I shrug it off. Now I'm not really sure how id manage to fit everyone in here.

Suddenly, magma bursts all around us, in shooting sparks and colours.

~YN~ looks amazed. "Wow!"

Steven smiles. "It's all lava!"

I smirk.

"Lava is what comes out of volcanos. This is super-heated Peritidite."

"Peridot-ite?" Asks Steven.

"Yup. It's the same stuff made from Peridots," I smile.

"What was it like?" ~YN~ asks.

"I..didn't exist. Then I did. I don't have memories....just feelings."

We don't speak for a while.

We keep going.

"But now I have...you guys." I bite my lower lip awkwardly.

~YN~ and Steven smile at each-other.

Suddenly, we break through, towards the cluster.

It's all these colours and blurring melting edges of gems mushed together.

"Wow," ~YN~ breathes.

"There's so many of them," Steven mumbles, kind of sad.

Suddenly, Steven starts yelling out when I dig into the cluster.

"Are you going to be ok?"

Steven holds his head. "Yeah, I'll be ok...thanks."


I drill more, losing two drills. I drill more into it, until Steven suddenly falls over.

~YN~ and I look at each-other with concern.

I go up to Steven and hold his shoulders. "Steven!? Steven!?!?"

He passes out.

Oh no.

UNIQUE ~ Steven Universe~ (Daughter Stories & Episode Thoughts)Where stories live. Discover now